Sunday, November 11, 2018

Mat Memory- More of Ron Simmons In ECW. Ron Simmons vs. Hack Myers Plus: Ron Simmons vs. 911

Dave Dynasty Show Midwest wrestling podcast EP110 (w/h Larry Hennig, Carol Castle, George Schire, & Mick Karch)

Mat Memory- Ron Simmons ECW promo

11-15-1994, Ron Simmons & 2 Cold Scorpio.

Ricky Starks vs. Shane Strickland - INSPIRE PRO WRESTLING

"Smokeshow" Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Kylie Ray

WWA (Kentucky) Highlight Videos

WWA Highlight Video - Battle Lines 2018

Battle Lines took place in Owensboro, KY. Check out the highlights now, and read the full results below!

-Alexander Knight seemed to try and reconcile with Vanderpool, only to attack him.
-Andrew Hunter defeated Josiah after interference from The Queen backfired. Josiah abandoned The Queen in the ring.
-Jordan Whittaker defeated Logan Abell by rollup.
-Ray Waddell beat Cortland Moore after a Rolling Elbow.
-Willie Finesse beat Alexander Knight.
-Krutch defeated Jake Bravado by DQ after Logan Abell attacked Krutch.
-Dakota France beat Tony Evans by DQ after Lizzy Sixx, Jake Bravado, and Cortland Moore attacked France. Ray Waddell made the save and re-formed the System with Dakota France.
-Charlie Kruel pinned Tootie Lynn Ramsey.
-Tyler Hawkins retained the WWA National Championship against Stonewall in a Tables Match, with assistance from Andrew Hunter.

WWA Highlight Video - Sebree Fall Fest 2018

Mat Memory- AWA World Tag Title Match: The Midnight Rockers vs. Adrian Adonis & Bob Orton 1988-01-15

AWA World Tag Team Champions The Midnight Rockers vs "Adorable" Adrian Adonis & "The Ace" Cowboy Bob Orton. From January 15th, 1988 at the Municipal Auditorium in Minot, North Dakota.

Ricky Steamboat On Which Legend He Had His First Hour Long Match With, His Recent Hip Surgery

Recently on The Jim Ross Report, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross caught up with fellow WWE Hall Of Famer Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat aboard Chris Jericho's Rock 'N' Wrestling Rager At Sea. Among many other interesting professional wrestling topics, Steamboat discussed his recovery from hip replacement surgery, his legendary trio of matches versus two-time WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair, and working hourlong 'broadways' with WWE Hall Of Famer Harley Race.
According to Steamboat, he is recovering from surgery nicely and is already working out again.
"Well, you find out when you get older that it gets harder. It certainly does. I'm just coming off about, what, three-and-a-half months ago, I had total hip [replacement] surgery on the right side and that worked out well. It's working out well. I'm back in the gym doing squats." Steamboat added, "I still do the old school stuff. I'm just not concerned about putting the weight on as much as just going through the motions to keep things lubricated and stretched out."
On the subject of the iconic Steamboat/Flair trilogy, 'The Dragon' shared that they only ever planned out the finishes of the matches and the rest was called on the fly.
"When I worked with Flair and 90% of the heels at that time, we would be going into a match knowing the finish, which is maybe the last two or three minutes of the match. So me and Flair averaged 40 [or] 50 minutes every night, so they're asking, 'well, how did you guys put together the first 40 minutes?' and that was everything on the fly. Yeah [instincts], and nothing sat down for hours upon hours, which I see a lot of talent today [doing]. I'm not knocking that, but that's just the way it is today. And going over the match and every P and Q, but Flair and I, and like I said, 90% of the heels, we would go in knowing the last couple of minutes of the match." 

Also during the interview, Steamboat recalled working Race in the former Intercontinental Champion's first hour long match.
"My first one-hour broadway, that's a [pro] wrestling term, was with Harley." Steamboat remembered, "yeah, in the late 70s, in the Carolinas, George Scott the booker just came down to the locker room and we were in Raleigh, North Carolina. He said, 'you're working with the Champ.' I was the United States Champion at the time and when you're in the Mid-Atlantic region and US Champ, which is the number one contender to the World Champ. And back then, the World Champ is making his rounds to all the towns in the territories and it was, 'you're going to go an hour tonight, Ricky.' I said, 'well, George, I've never done an hour,' and he said, 'you'll be alright. Just listen to Harley.' So that was my first one-hour [match]."
Moreover, Steamboat said that Race let the four-time United States Champion call their second hour long match.
"A year later, Harley still being the NWA Champ came back into the Carolinas, making his rounds." Steamboat continued, "we're in Raleigh, North Carolina. I don't remember the dates, but I remember it was the same month, and George says, 'you're going to do an hour with the Champ just like you did last year.' Yeah, and I'll tell you something that not too many people know. When we locked up, for the second time that we met for the hour, Harley looked at me and he says, 'you call this one tonight, kid. I'm tired' because everywhere he goes, he does one-hour broadways. Oh man, my legs turned to rubber, and Jello, and I just about went down to my knees, and I got back up, and I said, 'what did you say?' He said, 'you call this one tonight, kid. I'm tired.'"

Paul London Interview, Says "Social Media And Wrestling Are Poisonous"

In the video above, Ben Givan sat down to speak with Paul London backstage at Pro Wrestling Ulster for GG Media's YouTube channel.
During the interview, Givan's asked the question about which promotion has been the most generous and opened/free to let his creativity grow and who was the most restrictive, shocker, it was WWE when London worked there from 2003-2008.
"Lucha Underground is the most creative and collaborative company I worked for," London said. "Lucha Underground is so cinematic. The downside, we don't get to work enough because we work in seasons. ... My time at WWE was very restrictive and 'how can we make this dumber.' I always looked to create fresh content."
London was asked about the new indie boom in wrestling in the last three to five years. A boom that has also involved a more aggressive in-ring style with higher risk moves becoming the norm.
"I can't say that I'm a big fan of it," London admitted. "I don't really watch wrestling when I'm home just because it doesn't excite me like I want it to. Just a lot of [TV wrestling] isn't executed well, in my opinion, because of the climate of wrestling now. Nowadays you have to be part of this climate and things have to be in the climate. That stuff makes me sick and I want to spit all that out and do my own thing. That way I can dictate the pace, as opposed to live up to all of these ridiculous acrobatics, and car crashes, and all this crap that really doesn't entertain me. If anything, I'm going to get hurt more trying to acclimate to the current style."
He didn't hold back either on his thoughts on social media and wrestling, saying that there should be an "aura" of wrestling that should be kept alive. His concern is too many wrestlers want to be liked, rather than sticking to the story.
"Guys would rather be liked and defy kayfabe or storytelling for the sake of being liked and that disgusts me," London responded. "Social media and wrestling are poisonous. It's a great tool for promoting, but if you are going to sit there and pull the curtain back, please don't! You're making this crap for everybody, you're giving the tricks [away], you know what I mean? We need to maintain the aura of the excitement of the illusion, or whatever you want to call it. But, too many people would rather just be liked in real life, and not commit to storytelling and being performers."

Nick Aldis On WWE's Waffling When it Came To Him. ("OOOO" Dis on WWE, LOL)

Nick Aldis spent nearly eight years with TNA/Impact Wrestling where he won the World Heavyweight Championship and two Tag Team Titles. Outside of a return there in 2017, Aldis has mainly been competing on the indie circuit and with the resurgent NWA.
It was also with Impact Wrestling that Aldis met Mickie James who is now his wife. James returned to WWE in 2017 and many have wondered when or if her husband would ever follow her to WWE. Aldis discussed that very topic on The Apter Chat.
"I had interest," Aldis said of WWE prospects. "And they had interest when I was with TNA. Then, for whatever reason, when I became available [in 2015], it was a different story.
"Quite frankly, I had too many conversations with them where the first couple of times it was 'no.' Then it was 'no, not right now.' And then it was 'let me talk to this guy, let me talk to that guy.' I just got to a point where I just lost interest. That was all I ever wanted at one point, then for whatever reason it never materialized.
WWE's waffling back and forth has left a bad taste in Aldis' mouth as he feels that there's something WWE is not letting him in on.
"I feel like there's something there that they are not telling me," Aldis admitted. "I don't know what it is. Frankly, we're all adults. I'd rather them give me a straight answer but I could never get that from them.
"There's so many people and so many camps. There's so many snakes in the grass. I'd rather just get a straight answer and they don't want to do that. I just don't have time to play games with them."
Aldis is doing quite alright for himself without a WWE paycheck and competed against Cody at All In. He dropped the NWA World Championship to Cody there but won it back at the NWA 70th Anniversary Show last month. At 32 years old the door is certainly not closed for WWE, but he seems content with his current standing on the independent circuit.
"I just want to be a big-time pro wrestler and if I have to be a big-time pro wrestler by building my own [brand] then so be it," said Aldis.