Friday, January 5, 2024

Dave Scherer (PWInsider) Proves Again What A Hypocrite He Is

 It's been stated by this site over and over how much of a hypocrite Dave Scherer is, it's been documented here on this site many times. Just type in his name on our search bar and you'll see for yourself. Or you can see like when the site he owns, PWInsider got reported to the Better Business Bureau because Mike Johnson got caught scamming his Elite membership subscribers with "exclusive' stuff that was so exclusive it was on YouTube for free. Scherer of course the lie he said in this ( ) wasn't believable, plus he was busted for snitching because the story came out. Someone who emailed Scherer got snitched on for bringing the story up.

But yet Scherer likes to slam others like Meltzer when he pretty much does the same kind of thing. The logic of Dave Scherer sure is 'special'.

A favorite of mine comes from this story, When they were called out by Konnan for doing a fake Thunder Rosa story. Link is here

See what I see? The first screen grab has Scherer slamming Melzer for hiding behind a message board but here's Dave Scherer, hiding behind the weekly show he does with Mike Johnson. Makes you go, HHMMMM, doesn't it. 

So here's the latest example of the dumb logic of Scherer coming to light again. Hypocrite 101 at its finest thanks to Mr. Scherer.

So, what's the difference between what Scherer alleges Meltzer is doing and what Scherer has openly admitted he's going to do? It's pretty much the same thing, but of course Scherer is the only one who won't realize the obvious. Scherer hiding behind a paywall on a show is the very same thing he's slamming Meltzer for (hiding behind a message board). 

The irony of Scherer's hypocrisy is so fucking amusing. 

Scherer said this a couple years ago.

Nice to see that Scherer has decided to double down on that philosophy (smiles).