Friday, November 11, 2022

PWInsider - Better Business Bureau Update (With Comments From Dave Scherer)


Bill Walkowitz

Donnie Henderson back on October 25th posted the story of PWInsider getting reported to the Better Business Bureau for their ongoing scamming of their elite members/subscribers.( Since then we here at WP&P have received a lot of different things concerning this including communication between the BBB and two of the four people we have independently confirmed filed a complaint with the BBB (including two CURRENT elite members/subscribers). 

We can not post those communications just as I can't post the inquiry that the BBB made to me, since it was my series of articles showing Mike Johnson blatantly trying to scam those subscribers that helped in the filing of those complaints. It was on the advice of the attorney I personally went to see (and paid her consulting fee) that unless we want to possibly face legal action from the BBB for posting that without their permission, Which they'll never grant anyway, it's best we don't, sssooo we won't. What I CAN tell you is that there is some sort of investigation into PWInsider's scamming, since PWInsider Dave Scherer has been quoted here as saying he owns it and runs it like a business, It appears that the complaints of them scamming consumers is valid enough for the Better Business Bureau to look into it. And from what I've seen from the two of the four people who filed the complaints, as well as my own conversations with the Better Business Bureau, contrary to the amusing lies by Dave Scherer which will be posted here, the BBB is taking these complaints seriously. So it's ongoing and we here at WP&P will update the situation as it progresses.

If you want to see the established pattern of Mike Johnson and his scamming you can see it right here.

We received a ton of different comments, insults, etc because we've been the ONLY site that has had the balls to bring this to light. It's not my fault or the fault of Donnie Henderson and Gino Bradley who also post here at WP&P that no other wrestling news site has had the balls to do what we've done, that's on them. I believe Gino's going to be posting some of them comments sometime this weekend.  The most amusing comments we did receive came from a totally unexpected source, someone who isn't a regular viewer of this site but saw the story on Reddit (How it got there I have no idea since none of us here at WP&P even go there). Since apparently you can't comment on anything Scherer posts on Twitter and Mike Johnson's tweets are "protected" (meaning he's hiding) the person who sent me this emailed Scherer to inquire if it our story was true, to see how Dave would comment. I'm glad he did because this is classic Dave Scherer, showing again why he's a walking talking definition of the word dumbass. 

As you're about to see, Dave Scherer really isn't a good representative for his "business" and really should just keep his mouth shut, BUT, he just can't help himself.

I blocked out the person's name and email addy by request. It's bad enough Scherer trolls Tony Khan and Politicians on Twitter, the last thing this person needs is to have Scherer be trolling his/her Twitter as well.

I love how Scherer tries to explain away and claim he doesn't "sell" what the complaint to the Better Business Bureau states they sell. You don't sell memberships claiming to have 'exclusive' interviews with stars (which would include media calls as Mike has posted them as 'Exclusive' ONLY for those members, when they were also easily found on other news sites and of course, YouTube)? You don't do that Dave? 

HHMMM then what's this? 

Yeah, you're not selling those alright, Nice try dumb ass. It's right there on your own site's sign up page, dimwit. And It's still amusing as fuck seeing Dave Scherer STILL trying to use my past like he thinks that's gonna help him or mean anything. I guess since that's the only thing he has he's gonna milk it for everything he can, even though it doesn't accomplish anything except showing what an idiot he is. 

Putting Scherer in 'check' with no effort whatsoever has always been way too easy, but don't take it from me. Here's more of that convo that was sent to me and you can see how the person totally rips Dave's claims all to hell like a knife thru butter.


LOL @ "An eighth grader can see this is bullshit", LMAO!

I shouldn't be surprised by Scherer's responses, this is the same Dave Scherer that openly said that he thought going thru life as a moron could be a good thing. 

He did say it, see? it's right here. 

Unfortunately Dave seems to be insisting on going thru life as a moron. Let's hope when the Better Business Bureau contacts him about the scamming he has someone else speak for him, because him trying to be the 'face' of his 'business' isn't going to help him since he wants to be ignorant and not take the complaints seriously.

That seriously, isn't a real professional way for a ahem, 'business owner' to represent his business. 

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