Saturday, November 3, 2018

Article I Just Wrote I'll Call "Mind Boggling" (About Hogan at Crown Jewel And Callis Booking Impact)

As a fan (and more thanks to me actually working in the business) who's been watching for longer than I care to admit, there are times where I just find shit, fucking mind boggling. Mind boggling that the very people who put certain things together actually thought, at the time they booked it, wrote it or whatever, that it was a 'brilliant' idea. When in reality if they actually thought it thru all the way with some real thought process put in there? They'd see how fucking stupid certain ideas are.

Acouple cases in point here. The first one is the most blatantly obvious one that no other wrestling columnist or writer has even thought about it, or just they just don't have the balls to mention it because they need to keep kissing certain people's asses so they get their media calls and interviews for their podcasts and “VIP” membership deals. Something I don't have to worry about because I don't need that shit to have a successful wrestling site. That's the difference between 'them', and I.

Hulk Hogan debuting back in WWE At Crown Jewel.

Now I know all about Hogan using the “N” word, read and heard all sides of the argument about WWE using him again. This is not about that. Hogan for better or worse has been and will always be, one of the biggest drawing names in wrestling history, especially for the WWE. But here's where the WWE has had this long pattern of fucking things up when they have a golden egg. Just like when they screwed up when they had the NWA, ECW and WCW to make a great splash with, they totally fucked up when it came to re-debuting Hogan back into the mix.

Think about this, long and hard. You have Hulk Hogan, highly regarded as an “American Hero” debuting back into the company that made him such a big star... On a show in... Saudi Arabia...

If you don't see what's wrong with this picture? Reread what I just wrote above and then think about it. I'll wait.......................................................................................................................................

Still don't see it? I'll explain it for you then. If you have this big star who is an American Hero, then why the fuck would you debut him back on a show in another country? The biggest pop you could possibly get, cheers boos or whatever would easily have been gotten by debuting him back on a show, IN THIS COUNTRY! That is basic booking 101 and a blind man can see how that is more effective than having him re-introduced on a show put on in a country that's under a lot of controversy and that most fans didn't want to see put on there to begin with. It was one of the most ass backward ideas the WWE could've done and in the end, like having Brock as top champ again and Vince's son win the World Cup, made no damn sense at all.

Now before the WWE loyalists whine and cry at me that I don't know what I'm talking about? Here's where I do. I've been around people who actually know (Or in the case of the late Walter 'Killer' Kowalski, KNEW) how to book matches and angles. Guys who have experience booking like Sylvano Sousa, Dory Funk jr. Jim Cornette, even a former WWF Referee named Fred Sparta had that classic point a to point b to point c, etc booking philosophy. I saw it first hand for the indy groups I worked behind the scenes for, saw it, asked questions and learned a lot from it so if there is a wrestling writer who DOES know what the fuck he's talking about, it's this guy writing this article right here.

WWE with the Hogan debut back, couldn't even get “Point A” done right. Point A would've been do it on a show here in the states to get him over for when he did go to Saudi Arabia or even better yet, kept him off that for all the reasons why the show shouldn't have happened there in the first place. If there was ever a way to totally screw up a debut back into a company? WWE found the way with this Hogan deal. There's no logical explanation that can ever be believable for why you would re-introduce one of your biggest American stars on a show that's not even held in America. That is booking stupidity at its most obvious. And another example of why I don't and won't, watch current WWE shows. This blatant disregard to basic and proper booking which seems to be the norm now in WWE is something I no longer allow to insult my intelligence with. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. It's pretty fucking sad when indy companies can book better and more logically than the major federations airing on TV in this country, and WWE doing this with this Hogan debacle has only proved me correct yet again.

And it's not like Impact Wrestling is any better, they're not. Which brings me to point number two. Something that I, have been consistent on which is calling out Don Callis for what he claimed he was going to do (many times on his own Burning The Town Podcast and other interviews) and what he's actually done. Dave Scherer & Michael Johnson haven't had the balls to do this, Wade Keller won't and Dave Meltzer doesn't seem capable, so I guess I'm the only wrestling writer/columnist that has the balls to keep asking this question. How is it Don Callis that you claimed you were going to 'get rid of the silliness that has plagued Impact Wrestling' when YOU and Scotty D'Amore are the very ones booking and writing the silliness now?

I find it funny how every time I ask both of them that question ( and I have on Twitter, a few times) they never seem to have an answer for me... Imagine that.

The latest example of this silliness is the Allie story line. She 'has a demon' living inside her? What the fuck, is that shit? I know you're supposed to 'suspend your belief' when you watch a wrestling show, but really? Callis really thinks that THIS isn't the kind of silliness he swore he was going to get rid of? I'd love to hear him try to explain to me, how? Just like when Su Yung was having 'Casket Matches'? Funny how that happened as soon as Callis took the booking job in Impact Wrestling. How 'Undertaker' was that? Now we have Allie dealing with 'a demon' living inside her. But yeah, that's not silliness at all, huh.

I believe it was Dave Scherer at PWInsider that said in a reply to a letter (I can actualy find it if need be for proof) that it's of the opinion that Callis feels he can't book a straight ahead wrestling show and have it get over. REALLY? SERIOUSLY? Obviously Callis hasn't seen many Defiant Wrestling shows, PROGRESS shows or even World of Sport Wrestling shows because all three of them UK companies, along with AMW in Kentucky, WWA in Kentucky, Reality Of Wrestling (Booker T's promotion in Houston), West Coast Wrestling Connection in Oregon, Even New Japan Pro Wrestling that Callis works for, ALL THESE GROUPS book, what? OOOHHH yes, they book straight ahead wrestling shows that get over. The latter indy groups I mentioned do this on a weekly basis and have been for years.

So this begs the obvious question that no other wrestling writer or columnist seems to have the balls to ask, so I'll keep asking. If all these groups I mentioned can do it on a weekly basis, then why can't Callis and D'Amore do it? What's so fucking hard about it? And why is it they don't seem to have any answer to that question?

Mind boggling? Indeed, It is.

MLW Fusion Episode 29: Hart Foundation vs. Rich Swann, Marko Stunt & ACH

The rivalry between the Hart Foundation and Rich Swann and ACH reaches its climax as the men square off in a six man encounter in this Friday’s main event. 

Jumping into the fray in his MLW debut is 5’2″ Marko Stunt. Stunt, nicknamed “Mr. Fun Size”, makes his television debut having be recruited by ACH and Rich Swann in their war against the Hart Foundation.

Will Marko be the x-factor or will the undefeated Hart Foundation continue their winning ways? You won’t want to miss the final battle between these 2 squads as they settle the score in their feud dating back to this last summer.

Also: the war between Konnan and Salina de la Renta’s Promociones Dorado continues on this week's MLW FUSION.

After last week’s Media Day attack, “Filthy” Tom Lawlor will address the incident where Low Ki’s mercenary Sami Callihan used a bat to nearly crush Lawlor’s larynx.

Tommy Dreamer will collide with the 6’5” California bounty hunter Brody King on this week’s FUSION. Brody wants to be the new face of extreme… but first he must battle the “Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer!

Plus, the feline fighter Puma King makes his debut! Guaranteed to be one of the most exciting newcomers you’ll see in MLW, don’t miss his first match in MLW this week.

A new MLW: FIGHTLAND control center will reveal more matches for the league’s upcoming November 8th debut in Chicago plus tons more!

Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker call the action ringside from New York City!

RECAP AND REVIEW: The Jim Ross Report with Ricky Steamboat on calling matches with Ric Flair on the fly, DDP on helping Chris Jericho and other wrestlers with DDP Yoga, Hurricane Helms on his ROH status

RECAP AND REVIEW: Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard on When Hunter Married Stephanie – when Bruce first knew they were an item, how Chyna found out, who got drunk and sang at their wedding, the original creative plans for Test

Madison Rayne Reveals Why She Didn't Sign With WWE

Madison Rayne spoke with CBS Local Sports: Pittsburgh on her talks with WWE, wanting to face Brandi Rhodes, and wanting to take on Alexa Bliss. Here are some of the highlights:
Voting in a recent ROH poll to take on Brandi Rhodes:
"I actually did vote on that! Well, I voted on it because I wanted to see what the result was. Until the poll on Twitter is over you have to select one to see what the percentages are. I think that I voted for Brandi.
"Here's why: I've been in the ring with Sumie, and I'm hopeful to be in the ring with her again in the very near future, because I loved my time working with her in the ring. She's just such a fun addition to the locker room. She brings that happy energy that I was just talking about. Kelly, I've been in the ring with numerous times. Even before my time at Impact, years ago, in the early years of my career, I worked a lot with Kelly. Jenny I've actually never had a one-on-one, a singles match with, but I would love to.
"But there's just something about Brandi. She's this really hungry, not up-and-comer, because she's been around the wrestling business for a long time. There's this star quality about Brandi, and it makes me excited as a fan to watch her grow and evolve and change. As a competitor, she's somebody that I really want to get in there with and I want to test her, but I also kind of want to test myself against somebody who's so young and hungry into being in the ring."
Her dream opponents:
"I've made my little dream list. The one that people talk about a lot, probably for varying reasons, would be me and Alexa Bliss. We're both from Columbus, we're both small, we both tend to have a bit of attitude when it comes to our in-ring persona. I've met her several times, I knew her years ago, when we both competed in fitness competitions. So, I just think that it would be fun for that to come full circle and for us to meet in the ring. I would love, and I hope that not far down the road it comes to fruition. I would also love to get in the ring one-on-one with Tenille [Dashwood]. I've not had that opportunity yet, so I'm really looking forward to that."
How talks went with WWE and why she didn't sign with them:
"Conversations between WWE and myself were always positive. I always got great feedback on everything I did, from the tryout a year ago to just recently doing Mae Young. This past year has been the first and only time that I've ever worked in any capacity with WWE. So, that was really exciting this many years into my career, to finally have been able to do that.
"But it's about trying to figure out what was going to be best for me and which company I would flourish the best in. I felt that Ring of Honor was my best option, and that is not saying that WWE offered me something and I said no, I just feel like I was always very honest and upfront about the fact that Columbus was my home and Columbus would remain my home. I understand that they have a system that they put their talent through, regardless of whether you've never taken one bump, or you've been wrestling for many years, and that system starts in Orlando. While wrestling is still very, very important to me, being a mother and being a wife, those two things are greatly more important.
"There was never that definitive conversation, but just given the fact that I knew and I never wanted there to be any gray area in my communication with WWE, and I made it clear that I could and would not be willing to relocate, I think that probably kind of settled the question there as far as whether or not a contract with WWE was going to be in my future."

Mat Memory- Great Muta vs Great Nita (Onita) (Exploding Barbed Wire Match)

USACW (Indy Group Based In West Virginia) Episode 19

Appalachian Mountain Wrestling- AMW-TV Episode 113: November 3, 2018

On this episode we recap what all happened at AMWs BONEYARD BEATDOWN. 

We hear from WWE Hall of Famer and AMW Tag Team Champion Ricky Morton about Thanksgiving Night in Hazard, KY

TV Main Event 

Kyle Maggard vs The Progressive Liberal Daniel Richards