Sunday, September 9, 2018

Cowboy Bob Orton Full Career Shoot Interview 2018!

A Rarity For you. Bruiser Brody vs Iron Sheik (from WWC Puerto Rico)


Cody tweeted that he will be appearing for his first NWA booking next Sunday at Championship Wrestling from Hollywood at their TV taping:

Deathmatch wrestler Jimmy Havoc warns ‘there will be blood' as he faces Sami Callihan

MVP interview in The Mirror

Nick Alidis defeats Doug Williams.. (This result was as predictable as a rerun, who didn't see this coming?)

This result was as predictable as a rerun, who didn't see this coming?

Nick Aldis defeated Doug Williams at the Wrestling MediaCon event held earlier today to become the #1 contender for the NWA World’s Heavyweight title. He will face Cody in a rematch for the title at the NWA 70th anniversary show.

Moose Talks The Difference Between His Time In ROH And Impact, Favorite Feud

Moose spoke with Pro Wrestling Post about the difference between his time in ROH and Impact, the future of his character, and his favorite feuds. Here are some of the highlights:
The biggest difference from his time in ROH and Impact:
"I used to think that every match back then I had to do a cool dive or a high-risk maneuver that would take its toll and damage to my body. Whereas now, I don't even think about doing it. It doesn't even cross your mind."
Where he sees the Moose character going:
"To see how Moose was when I started in Impact Wrestling two years ago compared to where he is at now, we can see an evolution in the character. It will just play itself out because if it's not broken then don't fix it, right?"
Feuds he has been the most pleased with:
"I think my feud with Austin [Aries] means the most to me. When we look at what is at stake, being for the World Championship, it doesn't get bigger than that. We are fighting over the biggest prize in our company, which is the Impact Wrestling World Championship, so whatever other feuds I have been in it hasn't reached the magnitude of this. It's just what we are fighting for that makes it the most important, what is on the line. The things I did with Bobby [Lashley] were pretty big. It was a cross-promotional thing with [American Top Team] and MMA, and I know fans loved it. I definitely learned a lot working with Bobby."

Guess What David, it was one Of the Worst Ideas, Ever. David Arquette On Why Vince Russo Thought His WCW World Title Win Would Be A Good Idea

Former WCW World Heavyweight Champion David Arquette stopped by 317 Gimmick Street for a conversation with WWE Hall Of Famer Steve Austin. Among many other things, Arquette discussed his pro wrestling fandom, why he is getting back into the pro wrestling genre, and winning WCW's top prize nearly 20 years ago.
According to Arquette, he was always a fan of pro wrestling and taking on the film project of Ready To Rumble was just a way for the legacy actor to reconnect with his beloved pastime.
"I loved [pro] wrestling since growing up." Arquette recalled, "I saw Andre The Giant and Hulk Hogan back at the Sports Arena. We'd go to all the roadshows growing up, so I always loved it. And then, Ready To Rumble happened and it was just a chance for me to sort of tap back into something I loved as a kid and sort of tap into the crazy fan that I was. And then, I got to meet all my heroes. I got to travel with Hulk Hogan and Sting, 'Diamond' Dallas Page, and get to know the guys. And in promoting the movie, they had me go on the road and I ended up the champ. I don't know what happened, but it happened."
Also during the interview, Arquette shared that he started training for pro wrestling recently because people gave him so much grief for his failed world title run in WCW.
"I never really got the opportunity to wrestle, so just 18 years later, after a lot of people gave me grief, I was like, 'I want to do it right,' so I've been training with Peter Avalon, a great wrestler/trainer." Arquette continued, "I'm getting back into [pro] wrestling 18 years later. I just had my first match... It was amazing... Against RJ City. I got my butt kicked, but it's alright. It was good. It was a good match at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood."
Apparently, Vince Russo, who crowned Arquette WCW champ, thought the world title run would have worked out differently because Arquette was a true fan.
"I actually recently talked to Vince Russo on his podcast." Arquette remembered, "and then, he explained it to me. He said that part of the reason he thought it would be alright because when I first got there, I was running around. I did something with, Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, and I had his guitar and I went around all the wrestlers and had them sign it. I was just a fan. And he was like, and that was part of the reason I was different. I wasn't just an actor. I was truly a fan of wrestling, so that's kind of the idea behind it."
Arquette noted that he thought being WCW World Heavyweight Champion was a mistake, but he was talked into it.
"Yeah, I said I didn't think it was a good idea!" Arquette admitted, "but, then, after a few minutes, I thought it would be fun just to travel and get a little taste of the business. So yeah."

Justin Credible Released From Jail (for how long THIS TIME?)

Former WWE and ECW star PJ Polaco, a.k.a. Justin Credible, was released from the New Haven Correctional Facility on Saturday. He was arrested last Wednesday for third degree assault, disorderly conduct and violation of his protective order. It was his second arrest in the last 30 days. Due to the protective order and terms of his release, he is not allowed to return home to his wife Jill and family. He has a critical court date on October 1st.
David Gere, who is one of the producers of the CREDIBLE documentary,.  bailed him out. He was held on $50,000 bond. "I just came out of there," Polaco said to various sources.  "That's a place I don't want to be. For all the fans that have supported me, trust me, I've been in this business for 25 years and 45 years of my entire f--king life, not to go out like this. Not for you, not for me, not for anything, I will not let you down. I swear to Christ as I stand here today, I will not go back there ever again.".
The producers of CREDIBLE have been chronicling the highs and lows of Polaco's journey. Their provision to Polaco was that he immediately begin a formal treatment program. Recent attempts at inpatient treatment have fallen short. Polaco is checking into an intense recovery program program this Monday for 30 days in Kent, Connecticut.
"Pete not only needs help through immediate treatment which is set to start next week, but he need to get out of jail which we were able to arrange [on Saturday]," Executive Producer Douglas Cartelli said. "Pete has been on the right path, but he has recently derailed - again. The hope for Pete as shown in the documentary is to make a complete recovery and win back his life."
"PJ has been fighting for light and now for his basic freedom, as serious charges and the very real fear of extended imprisonment is hanging hard lover him," added Gere." Those of us who care greatly for him are fighting with PJ to send away the darkness he has become so accustomed to."