Friday, November 8, 2019

AEW Becoming WCW?

 I thought the title of this, "AEW Becoming WCW? " is quite fitting because contrary to all their claims of wanting to be the alternative to WWE, signing Virgil is straight out of the WCW signing playbook.

WCW did this same thing by hiring guys from the WWE and alot of them really didn't do much to move the needle in ratings, asses in seats, pay per view buys or any of that. They were only signed because they had a run in the WWE.

SSOO, if you're really wanting to be an alternative to the WWE? HOW, does the signing of Virgil fall into being that 'alternative'? I'd LOVE to hear the logic and mentality behind that.
I mean let's be serious and honest here. What difference has Virgil been for ratings, really 'anywhere'? None.. How pay per view buys has he generated? None, and how many asses has he put into seats as of late? Same answer, none.

So for a company that claims it wants to generate its own stars, give the young guys a platform for them to shine and all that company line.. Here they go and sign the 'HUGE ATTENDANCE DRAW" of.... Virgil..

Think about that, and let that sink in...

See, not many if any of the other 'well known wrestling writers will come out with something like this. let along have the balls to openly say something and call out AEW on this.. SO, since they won't and I'm always 'that guy' who does? here it is, I'm calling them out on it.

Virgil isn't a guy you use to help enhance the younger talent.. You already HAVE guys there that can do that, in Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson. So unless Tony Khan is a 'Virgil mark', there's no reasonable, sensible or logical reason for signing Virgil.. This was a waste of money and in the end, won't mean a thing except money that could've been used better, elsewhere.

This also comes on the heels of a Chris Jericho interview where he stated that AEW wasn't interested in hiring anyone right now..

HHMMM, not interested in hiring anyone.. Signing Virgil... Makes you go, HHMMM.

I mean he did say it, in an interview with ScreenGeek he said those exact words.. Here, since proof is a mother fucker and I'm always a mother fucker that has proof, here's the proof.

There it is, in black and white..

So it's nice to see that everyone in AEW is on the same page, NOT! LMAO!

If you're hiring anyone then how do you explain signing Virgil? How do you explain signing someone who makes no difference, in any area of your company? How is it, you explain signing someone who, same as when he was in WCW, just occupied space and got paid for occupying space? Why not bring in The Nasty Boys while you're at it? Hell bring in Brutus beefcake to for that matter, at least with the latter two,m their names actually MEANT something compared to.... Virgil.. I mean if you're gonna sign people who don't matter and will just drain your bank account, the least you can do is do so with someone who has some actual name value somewhere.

Mike Graham was quoted once saying "Jeff Jarrett never drew a dime". In Memphis he did, and at least Jarrett, good or bad had some sort of name value.. With Virgil? He won't even draw a penny for AEW.

On the heels of a great Cody Rhodes promo, comes.. The Signing of Virgil.. If you really want to truly BE, an alternative to WWE.. Stop pulling pages out of the WCW playbook and using them. Because this particular page? Is a flop.