Thursday, June 10, 2021

Rocky Mountain Pro CHARGED; ep 245


This week on CHARGED, Damon Ace's title reign continues as he looks to defend the CHARGED Championship against the man he defeated for that very title, Bruce Wayans. Lilith Grimm takes on Gem Gemini, Lypto goes one on one with Porter Blake and the Bearded Lady looks to fend off the challenge of Jumbo Zamore. Also tonight, Mercury looks for help in his search for tag partner Curtis Cole.

Match: Matt Borne, Robert Fuller, Bob Orton Jr. vs. Isley, St. John, Price/Promo: Borne, Fuller, Nasty Boys. NAWA, 1990.


From the NAWA (North American Wrestling Association), or South Atlantic Pro Wrestling; another attempt at capturing the Crockett, Mid-Atlantic style of wrestling. In this match, it's "Maniac" Matt Borne, "Tennessee Stud" Robert Fuller, "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. going up against David Isley, Thomas St. John and Jerry Price. After the match, Fuller, Borne and the Nasty Boys yell and scream at the camera. NAWA, 1990.

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat vs. Brian Knobbs/Promo: Paul Jones, Ken Shamrock promo. NAWA, 1990


Ricky Steamboat against Brian Knobbs, one half of the Nasty Boys (match in progress). Afterward, Vincent Torelli (Ken Shamrock of UFC fame) and Paul Jones on the mic.

Thunder Rosa Puts Triple H In His Place (He Got "Treated")

 As many know Paul Levesque AKA Triple H opened his mouth and inserted his foot earlier today during a media call where when it comes to womens wrestling he claimed "If you want the best, come to NXT" (which was proven false by me in this story, right here

Thunder Rosa responded to that as you can see in the screen shot above. 

Funny how Triple H tries to make dumb claims like this with a straight face but straight facts always put him in 'check' and Thunder Rosa did indeed "Check' Triple H's ass. 

What's even worse for Triple H sand shows what a dumb ass he really is, the very woman who 'checked him'? Is ranked number one in the company that's competition FOR, WWE. 

Pretty sad that the guy who runs NXT and is the son in law of the owner of the biggest wrestling promotion in the country, got put him his place by a woman who's top ranked in ANOTHER COMPANY

"OOOOO" Feel the burn Pauliepoo, feel the burn. Because you got 'treated".

Like I said in my story on him earlier today, maybe the next time he does a media call he should really think hard about his responses before he makes them. Or maybe have someone else respond for him. 

That way he doesn't come out looking like a complete dumb ass, like he did today. 

PWInsider, WrestlingInc & Wrestling Observer all, GOT IT WRONG (Again) As Braun Strowman Slaps Down Their reporting (ROFLMAO!)


How's it feel.. How's it feel to know that the THREE MAIN WRESTLING NEW SITES, all got the story wrong? And if you Google the story on Braun allegedly asking these high prices? The listing of wrestling news sites having this story is at least TWO PAGES LONG!

But one site that ISN'T, on that list? THIS SITE, aaahahahahahahaha..

When I first saw that story my gut instinct, which is usually 99% correct, was spot on when I said "Yeah right, bet this is bullshit and I bet all the dumb shits that reported will be shot down on it. 

Wouldn't you know who was right, again... In the end (smiles). 

Here's the proof they all falsely reported it. Proof is, a mother fucker you know. 

Joseph Currier who did it on the Observer's web page. 

Here's WrestlingInc reporting it like they thought it was fact.

AND.. Here's ol Mike Johnson, the guy EVERY fucking wrestling news site used as the 'source' for this false story reporting it first. Thus all you dumb fucks went ahead and jumped on it like complete idiots, LOL.

So again I ask, how's it feel know these 'credible' news sites ALL fucked up? Hey WrestlingInc, Currier and Johnson (along with ALL the OTHER news sites that used Johnson as the source for the story and now, look stupid for doing so) How's it feel to look like an ass clown? 

And guess how MANY of these "credible" news sites actually came out and ADMITTED they got it wrong? 

I'll give you a hint, NOT, a single one of them, Imagine that. 

What's the matter? All of you were 'so quick' to post it like it was an 'exclusive' but the moment you find out all of you were full of shit? You're NOT SO QUICK to admit you were wrong?

HHMMMM, funny how their balls shrivel up quickly when they get proven wrong, LMAO!

This isn't the first time this Columnist at WrestlingInc got something wrong. Back in April he got put in his place by me on something else he wrote. Here's the link to that.

So now that Strowman killed their more rumor than fact story flat, The obvious question now comes. How long will it takes for these 'major league' columnists to gather the balls and openly admit on their web sites that they were wrong?

Something tells me since ALL of them consider correcting themselves, something that's "beneath them". I bet we'll be waiting a very long time.. 

At least I, have stories that are actually true.. And as much ass the "Marks" of these news sites like to bash THIS SITE? At least WE here at WP&P didn't get this story wrong, and look like dumb shits. 

And yes, I had a great time writing this story up, because there's nothing they can do, to dispute it. :) 

Mickie James (Nick Aldis's Wife) Producing an NWA Womens show? Gee, Wonder Where They Got THAT Idea From?


So Billy Corgan at the beginning of this weeks "NWA Powerr" program stood with Mickie James, Nick Aldis's wife and announced that she will be producing an all womens NWA show.

Normally this would've been 'big news' BUT.. WHERE have we seen this before? Especially recently where a wrestler in a company's wife gets hired and is producing a womens show, or womens matches?  

Oh yeah, that would Be... Maria Kanellis-Bennett over in Ring Of Honor. 

Boy, how this idea is SO and TOO "coincidental. Even a blind man can see where Corgan copied the idea from.

Yeah, pretty obvious that Corgan stole ROH's idea, and was literally pretty blatant about it.

Mike Bennet's wife producing ROH Womens matches, and now Nick Aldis's wife doing the very same thing in Corgan's NWA? HHMM. When you can't come up with something original, JUST blatantly rip off what another company is already doing. YEAH, 'that's the ticket'. LOL!

Let's hope Corgan goes on the air and thanks Ring of Honor for having an idea he liked so much, he stole. 

it's the least, he can do :) 

Paul Michael Levesque Lies Trying To Toe "The Company Line" In Media Call


Paul Michael Levesque, "Triple H" as he's known as on a media call today to promote NXT's "Takeover- In Your House" openly lied and made a claim that can, easily prove him wrong. 

And since all the other "big time' wrestling writers were too busy kissing his ass on that call, they most likely missed this claim, OORR.. Won't have the balls to call him out on it like I'm going to.

So since we already KNOW, they're too scared to do it, it'll have to me be once again that does, what the others are too scared to do.

He was asked about whether if any of the NXT women will appear for the NWA women’s only PPV. "He answered by asking haven’t we already done them"?

NO, Pauliepoo. you've NEVER done an NWA Womens show. You've done the Mae Young Classic, BIG DIFFERENCE, dumb ass. 

Paul also said this.

He also laughed about Mickie James saying that they want the best women despite contractual status.  "Well, that’s why there are contracts.  If you want the best, come to NXT".

Here's proof he said it. 


You can find better women's matches in many places and NXT isn't one of them. ICW in Scotland is a prime example and Paul should know that since HE, made an appearance there.

Before the "Marks" go and call bullshit, here's the proof as I covered the story. Here's the link that'll kill their claim before they can even make it.

And since a picture is worth a thousand words, here's a picture from that appearance. 

I mean ICW in Scotland is just one, of many places where womens wrestling blows away anything NXT does. Most of the womens matches in Corgan's NWA have surpassed anything NXT and WWE does when it comes to womens matches. Watch Thunder Rosa matches just about anywhere and it's get proven to be a fact. Mission Pro Wrestling, NWA, Even her singles matches in  AEW have been far superior than womens matches in NXT (Because she shows there CAN BE, an actual 'wrestling match" on the debacle that's usually AEW programming. 

Tasha Steele and Kiera, along with Rachael Ellering (Who WWE FIRED, proving they, had a great talent but as usual.. Didn't know how to use her correctly) over in Impact are putting on great matches. Which brings up an obvious question the other 'wrestling writers' won't ask.

If you have an awesome talent like Rachael Ellering on your roster, then fire her and she gets better success elsewhere.. HOW is it Paul can claim "If you want the best, come to NXT"?

Makes you go, HHHMMMM.

Booker T's Reality of Wrestling has great Womens matches. Rocky Mountain Pro Wrestling in Colorado? Same thing. Hell, A woman named Little Miss Roxxy in the UK has matches that are 10 times better than the ones in NXT. Here's a link to a match.

I can keep listing example after example and be here for the next half an hour, listing examples. That's how full of shit Paul is.

The fact that the only reason he even HAS, an NXT is obvious.. It's because he married Vince McMahon's daughter and will be lifetime employee of the WWE. But the fact is, just because you're "Daddy's son in law" doesn't mean you have to keep toeing the company line with lies like I just showed. ESPECIALLY, when them lies can be proven to be lies. 

Maybe the next time Paul does a media call, he can actually THINK his responses thru really well, before actually saying them. because lies and false claims like he did here will always be proven to lies and false claims by someone like me. Someone who'll always show that proof is, a mother fucker.. And I'm the mother fucker who'll always have the proof to back up what I say.

Nice try though Pauliepoo, nice try (Laughs out loud).

Is FMW Coming To America?


Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling Explosion founder Atsushi Onita has declared his intention to hold a show in America by the end of the year.

FMW-E will hold its debut show on July 4 at the Tsurumi Fruit & Vegetable Market in Yokohama. The event is available to purchase via Zaiko for ¥1,000 and sales are currently 60 per cent higher internationally than in Japan. Onita said the biggest difficulty is finding a venue for the show as fire laws vary by state.

An article from the Japanese media can be read here.

Maria Kanellis vs Mickie James 

Kay Lee Ray vs Mickie James (ICW-UK) 

Thunder Rosa vs Kamille 5/25/21 (NWA) 

NWA WWC Wrestling "A Hot Night in Bayamon" 1988 FIRE MATCH !


Jimmy Valiant & Rufus R. Jones vs. The Wild Samoans Ricky Santana vs. Mr. Pogo The Sheepherders vs. Brad & Bart Batten Wahoo McDaniel vs. Danny Spivey Chicky Starr vs. Invader III Ronnie Garvin vs. The Iron Sheik Hurricane Castillo, Jr. & Miguelito Perez vs. Dan Kroffat & Bobby Jaggers (hair vs. hair match) Carlos Colon vs. Hercules Ayala (fire match)

Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 306


SINGLES MATCH: Gino Medina vs Tommy Bolton WOMENS MATCH: Queen Aminata vs Rok-C SINGLES MATCH: Nathan Bradley vs Warren Johnson TEXAS CHAMPIONSHIP: Mysterious Q vs Will Allday (c)

Ivelisse vs Gail Kim (IWR) 

Eric Bischoff shoots on having a shouting match with Bret Hart backstage 

Jim Cornette on Don Callis As Kenny Omega's Manager