Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thunder Rosa Puts Triple H In His Place (He Got "Treated")

 As many know Paul Levesque AKA Triple H opened his mouth and inserted his foot earlier today during a media call where when it comes to womens wrestling he claimed "If you want the best, come to NXT" (which was proven false by me in this story, right here

Thunder Rosa responded to that as you can see in the screen shot above. 

Funny how Triple H tries to make dumb claims like this with a straight face but straight facts always put him in 'check' and Thunder Rosa did indeed "Check' Triple H's ass. 

What's even worse for Triple H sand shows what a dumb ass he really is, the very woman who 'checked him'? Is ranked number one in the company that's competition FOR, WWE. 

Pretty sad that the guy who runs NXT and is the son in law of the owner of the biggest wrestling promotion in the country, got put him his place by a woman who's top ranked in ANOTHER COMPANY

"OOOOO" Feel the burn Pauliepoo, feel the burn. Because you got 'treated".

Like I said in my story on him earlier today, maybe the next time he does a media call he should really think hard about his responses before he makes them. Or maybe have someone else respond for him. 

That way he doesn't come out looking like a complete dumb ass, like he did today. 

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