Thursday, June 10, 2021

PWInsider, WrestlingInc & Wrestling Observer all, GOT IT WRONG (Again) As Braun Strowman Slaps Down Their reporting (ROFLMAO!)


How's it feel.. How's it feel to know that the THREE MAIN WRESTLING NEW SITES, all got the story wrong? And if you Google the story on Braun allegedly asking these high prices? The listing of wrestling news sites having this story is at least TWO PAGES LONG!

But one site that ISN'T, on that list? THIS SITE, aaahahahahahahaha..

When I first saw that story my gut instinct, which is usually 99% correct, was spot on when I said "Yeah right, bet this is bullshit and I bet all the dumb shits that reported will be shot down on it. 

Wouldn't you know who was right, again... In the end (smiles). 

Here's the proof they all falsely reported it. Proof is, a mother fucker you know. 

Joseph Currier who did it on the Observer's web page. 

Here's WrestlingInc reporting it like they thought it was fact.

AND.. Here's ol Mike Johnson, the guy EVERY fucking wrestling news site used as the 'source' for this false story reporting it first. Thus all you dumb fucks went ahead and jumped on it like complete idiots, LOL.

So again I ask, how's it feel know these 'credible' news sites ALL fucked up? Hey WrestlingInc, Currier and Johnson (along with ALL the OTHER news sites that used Johnson as the source for the story and now, look stupid for doing so) How's it feel to look like an ass clown? 

And guess how MANY of these "credible" news sites actually came out and ADMITTED they got it wrong? 

I'll give you a hint, NOT, a single one of them, Imagine that. 

What's the matter? All of you were 'so quick' to post it like it was an 'exclusive' but the moment you find out all of you were full of shit? You're NOT SO QUICK to admit you were wrong?

HHMMMM, funny how their balls shrivel up quickly when they get proven wrong, LMAO!

This isn't the first time this Columnist at WrestlingInc got something wrong. Back in April he got put in his place by me on something else he wrote. Here's the link to that.

So now that Strowman killed their more rumor than fact story flat, The obvious question now comes. How long will it takes for these 'major league' columnists to gather the balls and openly admit on their web sites that they were wrong?

Something tells me since ALL of them consider correcting themselves, something that's "beneath them". I bet we'll be waiting a very long time.. 

At least I, have stories that are actually true.. And as much ass the "Marks" of these news sites like to bash THIS SITE? At least WE here at WP&P didn't get this story wrong, and look like dumb shits. 

And yes, I had a great time writing this story up, because there's nothing they can do, to dispute it. :) 

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