Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mickie James (Nick Aldis's Wife) Producing an NWA Womens show? Gee, Wonder Where They Got THAT Idea From?


So Billy Corgan at the beginning of this weeks "NWA Powerr" program stood with Mickie James, Nick Aldis's wife and announced that she will be producing an all womens NWA show.

Normally this would've been 'big news' BUT.. WHERE have we seen this before? Especially recently where a wrestler in a company's wife gets hired and is producing a womens show, or womens matches?  

Oh yeah, that would Be... Maria Kanellis-Bennett over in Ring Of Honor. 

Boy, how this idea is SO and TOO "coincidental. Even a blind man can see where Corgan copied the idea from.

Yeah, pretty obvious that Corgan stole ROH's idea, and was literally pretty blatant about it.

Mike Bennet's wife producing ROH Womens matches, and now Nick Aldis's wife doing the very same thing in Corgan's NWA? HHMM. When you can't come up with something original, JUST blatantly rip off what another company is already doing. YEAH, 'that's the ticket'. LOL!

Let's hope Corgan goes on the air and thanks Ring of Honor for having an idea he liked so much, he stole. 

it's the least, he can do :) 

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