Paul Michael Levesque, "Triple H" as he's known as on a media call today to promote NXT's "Takeover- In Your House" openly lied and made a claim that can, easily prove him wrong.
And since all the other "big time' wrestling writers were too busy kissing his ass on that call, they most likely missed this claim, OORR.. Won't have the balls to call him out on it like I'm going to.
So since we already KNOW, they're too scared to do it, it'll have to me be once again that does, what the others are too scared to do.
He was asked about whether if any of the NXT women will appear for the NWA women’s only PPV. "He answered by asking haven’t we already done them"?
NO, Pauliepoo. you've NEVER done an NWA Womens show. You've done the Mae Young Classic, BIG DIFFERENCE, dumb ass.
Paul also said this.
He also laughed about Mickie James saying that they want the best women despite contractual status. "Well, that’s why there are contracts. If you want the best, come to NXT".
Here's proof he said it.
You can find better women's matches in many places and NXT isn't one of them. ICW in Scotland is a prime example and Paul should know that since HE, made an appearance there.
And since a picture is worth a thousand words, here's a picture from that appearance.
I mean ICW in Scotland is just one, of many places where womens wrestling blows away anything NXT does. Most of the womens matches in Corgan's NWA have surpassed anything NXT and WWE does when it comes to womens matches. Watch Thunder Rosa matches just about anywhere and it's get proven to be a fact. Mission Pro Wrestling, NWA, Even her singles matches in AEW have been far superior than womens matches in NXT (Because she shows there CAN BE, an actual 'wrestling match" on the debacle that's usually AEW programming.
Tasha Steele and Kiera, along with Rachael Ellering (Who WWE FIRED, proving they, had a great talent but as usual.. Didn't know how to use her correctly) over in Impact are putting on great matches. Which brings up an obvious question the other 'wrestling writers' won't ask.
If you have an awesome talent like Rachael Ellering on your roster, then fire her and she gets better success elsewhere.. HOW is it Paul can claim "If you want the best, come to NXT"?
Makes you go, HHHMMMM.
Booker T's Reality of Wrestling has great Womens matches. Rocky Mountain Pro Wrestling in Colorado? Same thing. Hell, A woman named Little Miss Roxxy in the UK has matches that are 10 times better than the ones in NXT. Here's a link to a match.
I can keep listing example after example and be here for the next half an hour, listing examples. That's how full of shit Paul is.
The fact that the only reason he even HAS, an NXT is obvious.. It's because he married Vince McMahon's daughter and will be lifetime employee of the WWE. But the fact is, just because you're "Daddy's son in law" doesn't mean you have to keep toeing the company line with lies like I just showed. ESPECIALLY, when them lies can be proven to be lies.
Maybe the next time Paul does a media call, he can actually THINK his responses thru really well, before actually saying them. because lies and false claims like he did here will always be proven to lies and false claims by someone like me. Someone who'll always show that proof is, a mother fucker.. And I'm the mother fucker who'll always have the proof to back up what I say.
Nice try though Pauliepoo, nice try (Laughs out loud).
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