Because quite a few people have said in the wrestling groups I post in “You don't even watch WWE so how can you say anything about it”.
WWWEEELLL.. Be careful about you ask for...
I was randomly going thru my guide on my cable when I saw there was one more hour left of RAW. SSOO, I decided to see if everything I've ever been saying about how the WWE product sucks is still true. Guess what.. It is.
Rhonda Rousey is supposed to be suspended and entered the ring and started brawling with Alexa Bliss. RAW GM Kurt Angle adds another week to the suspension and rewards her with a title shot at Summerslam.
AAAHHH YEP, Hell of a way to 'put your foot down' on people being thumbing their nose at being suspended, give em a title shot, sure makes all the sense in the world to me (rolls eyes).
Then they show highlights of how WWE is still force feeding Roman Reigns down people's throats with a triple threat match win so he can face someone next week and the winner of that faces Brock Lesner at Summerslam. Drew Galloway, er.. McIntyre would've been a way better choice just based on talent, skill and ability. But hey, when you're steadily force feeding someone nobody really likes down people's throats, why stop with a bad plan and do something else that actually MIGHT make sense, eh? Raise Drew up alittle bit? Na, just keep the force feeding plan going because God forbid change would be good all the way around.
Seth Rollins looked like he was reading his promo from a sheet of paper left on the floor in front of him the way he was looking at the floor for a lot of it. Dull monotone no emotion about possibly facing Reigns one on one next week? I kept reaching for my remote so I could change the channel but had to keep reminding myself that I need to make it thru this one hour, somehow. Hell, have him raise his voice alittle bit, something like “FRIEND OR NO FRIEND ROMAN, IF WE FACE EACH OTHER, WHO WANTS IT MORE, IF WE HAVE TO FACE EACH OTHER THAN YOU'LL FIND OUT, IT'S ME.. WHO WANTS IT MORE.. SO YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD YOU DON'T HAVE TO FACE ME NEXT WEEK”! Something like that with something resembling ALITTLE BIT of emotions? Guess that's a lot of ask for in the WWE Universe.
I know it's not gonna happen but to at least GIVE some sort of an impression that it could and have some real emotion behind it from one of the competitors is quite the natural thing to do. And this is why I keep saying WWE Creative is 'creatively challenged' Had you put Arn Anderson in that same spot HE, would've given one hell of an emotional driven promo about it compared to this boring shit I just watched.
The Amber Moon match had the fans pretty quiet thru most of it.. I actually had to turn my 32 inch flat screen tv WAY UP in order to hear fans reactions to a lot of it. One look from the hard camera at the first five rows of fans and saw a lot of lack of interest in it. And don't even get me started on the “no selling' in this and triple threat main event (there was some in the triple threat but a lot of times, not really ). Just about any Impact Wrestling match with Allie in it had more 'selling' than in this match. At about this time I was kinda hoping someone like Awesome Kong or Jessika Havoc (I know I know, they don't work there) would come out and just destroy the both of them and be done with it. Kinda like when 911 would come out and choke slam people in the original ECW, I was really hoping for that so I could get alittle inspired by this VERY LONG hour I was enduring.
The commercials for The Equalizer 2 were more entertaining than anything I watched during this hour, that's pretty fucking sad.
Then we have Elisa in the ring with an acoustic guitar singing before his match.. HHMMM, didn't The Rock already do this act, and do it ten times better? Nothing like rehashing an old gimmick, and having the guy doing it instead of the original not do it worse than the original. Kind of like when Chuck Palumbo was basically doing a lame Undertaker American Badass ripoff riding his motorcycle around the ring. Or watching the movie Roadhouse 2 that doesn't have Patrick Swayze in it. Same thing.
The man event had too many false finishes and while some, of the 'selling' was good, it was 30/70 on the selling, 30% good 70% typical WWE brand of no selling. The Bobby Lashley hard edge or convincing bad ass That was in TNA/Impact Wrestling seems to have been white washed thanks to the creative challenged WWE creative and Lashley is smiling, shaking hands with fans? UGH.. I kept looking at my clock wondering “when is this shit going to be over”, that's how well it was going over with me. At least the right guy won with Lashley and Lashley/Lesnar would be the money match for many reasons.
Oh yeah, another thing. If you're going to show Kurt Angle with Paul Heyman watching the show in the back, wouldn't you think, getting a reaction from Heyman after the match would've been the natural thing to do? You spent enough time to point out he's watching with the GM so why not have some sort of reaction afterwards as you're going off the air?
Wait, what was I thinking? It's the WWE where stuff like logic and common sense doesn't make sense when it comes to their shows. If they were throwing oatmeal against a wall to see what would stuck, I can tell you most of this one hour that I watched? Didn't stick. And one last thing, why give Jeff Hardy his rematch for the US title on free tv? He lost it at a PPV why not have the rematch at the PPV? THAT'S proper booking 101. But yes, I am reminded this is WWE and logic is a challenge for them there on a daily basis.
So there you go, I've WATCHED the product and it re-enforces everything I've been saying about it for years. It still sucks ass so NOW nobody can complain about me making fun of it or whining and saying “you don't watch it, you can't judge it'. Guess what I just did and now you're reading the results from that. Happy now?
Imagine if I DID watch the full three hours what kind of review this would've been.. be glad I only suffered an hour of it.