Saturday, November 18, 2017

Remember Impact Wrestling Fans. THIS is what their world title belt looks like.

Yes fans THAT! Is the current Impact Wrestling 'Global' championship belt. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You can thank Anthem Sports for being so fucking cheap and lazy that instead of getting g a newer and better looking title belt made, just be cheapskates and lazy fucks and just slap on an 'Impact Wrestling' plate over the middle part, without even TRYING to cover up the "GFW' ones on the side. Like they really thought that NOBODY would notice that? DUH, dipshits.  Yeah, you got some real fucking geniuses working there at Anthem Sports. Top notch thinking there and yet, they want fans to take them seriously, LOL. Yeah ok. Jim Herd working for this group? because this probably would be something he'd do.

Pay FIFTY DOLLARS for a picture with Flair? Get the FUCK Outta here.

Yes it's true, At the House of Glory show on December 16th Flair will be there for a meet and greet and this is the pricing. Pay 50 bucks when years ago when he left an arena he'd take a pic with a fan for free? FUCK THAT!

You say you want more indy wrestling? Ok, How about.. House Of Glory Wrestling HOG Live 11/16/17 - Sonya Strong vs Mia Yim

Streamed live on Nov 16, 2017
Tonight on HOG Live our coverage of "Glory of War" continues as we will see Sonya Strong vs Mia Yim. Plus a throwback match from our 6th Anniversary Show, its Anthony Gangone vs Eddie Edwards.

Jim Cornette on Jerry Lawler vs Bill Dundee Feud w/ Scott Bowden...

Published on Nov 18, 2017
Jimmy and Scott Bowden of the Kentucky Fried Wrestling Podcast discuss what made Jerry "The King" Lawler vs "Superstar" Bill Dundee feud one of Memphis Wrestling's hottest angles for so many years..

Want to buy a New Japan pro Wrestling shirt for ten bucks? Here's where.

BBC story on woman wrestler Viper.

Someone in WWE really thought THIS was a great offer, NOT!

A WWE Network offer sent to some people advertised that you could buy Survivor Series as a one-time purchase and access Network content through Monday for $24.99. With the first month being free to new subscribers and it being $9.99 to anyone else, that wouldn’t seem to be much of a deal. Much of the appeal of still offering traditional PPV is to reach people without good internet connections, but you’d need one to watch Survivor Series with this option anyway.

Tonite's Indy Wrestling focus will be.. Appalachian Mountain Wrestling AMW-TV: November 18, 2017

Published on Nov 18, 2017
Just days away from Thanksgiving Turmoil 2!

The Main Event features the "Rookie Sensation" Jordan Clearwater challenging AMW Heavyweight Champion Sexy Stan Sierra with Phil Phair in his corner. After weeks on television of Stan Sierra trying to end Jordan's career, he finally has his shot at the gold.
See the NON SANCTIONED- LIGHTS OUT FIGHT!!!!!After all the sanctioned matches have happened there will be a three on three fight to the finish Featuring "Team Tennessee" made up of "The Loud Mouth From Tennessee" Stan Lee, The Mega Destroyer and "The King of the Mountains" Beau James vs "The Driller" Eddie Browning, "The Goliath" Clinton Stacy and "The Pride of East Kentucky" Kyle Maggard. In this match anything goes, beat your opponents senseless. This match is NOT sanctioned by AMW. AMW is not responsible for anything that happens to any of these contestants.
See the 7Ft 500lbs Monster Big Rig Jake Break w/ Lemonjuice McGee in Action as well
and more matches to be announced later!!!!

FIVE COUNT: Five Lessons To Learn For Anyone Trying To Compete With WWE

Interview Highlights: Greg Gagne talks about Ric Flair, working with him as a booker, does he regret being a family man

Former AWA Tag Team Champion Greg Gagne, who was featured in the ESPN Ric Flair “30 for 30” special, was a recent guest on the Pancakes and Powerslams Show. Gagne discussed the behind-the-scenes process of the special, shared more Ric Flair stories, discussed whether Flair regrets being a family man, difficulties in working with Flair as a booker, and more. The following are the highlights sent to by @PeterBahi…

•On Who Got in Touch With Him to Appear at Money in the Bank 2017:

I imagine the call came down from their main office, but it was a request from Triple H and Stephanie [McMahon], and I guess they’re the ones who are calling the shots down there so that is where it came from. Vince [McMahon] was very gracious and he came up and thanked me for participating and being there. It was a nice event and a nice thought. Of course, you know every time they do something it helps them, so whatever it does to help them that is what they are going to do, but they’re good people and treated us well.
We had a great time, and spent two long nights with Ric [Flair]. We spent time together since way back in college, all the way from when we started wrestling, we were pretty close friends, and always had some interesting evenings with Ric, that is for sure. It was great to see him. I had a flight at 4:15 a.m. and we got in at 2:15 a.m., so when I came home, my wife said that you and Ric must have had a good time. Yes, we definitely did.

•On His Overall Reaction to Ric Flair’s 30 for 30 Special:

It was a great experience. We did two and a half hours with them, and then they took out what they wanted. They ended up getting the stories that they wanted, which is what I am sure they did with everybody. They got all the stories they could have gotten out of it, but I knew Ric since he was in high school; not real well, but we were in the same conference. I knew the name, and we met. He was a huge wrestling fan back then, and as the story goes, and I repeated it on “30 for 30.” He had gotten in trouble and his parents sent him away and came back we were in college together. He got recruited by a number of schools, he was a projected All-American when he came to Minnesota but he never registered for classes so he didn’t compete much.
There are a lot of great Ric Flair stories from college days. Murray Warmath was our coach, and he knew Ric and I were friends. For some reason, I was supposed to be taking care of him. I get the call one day from Murray saying that Ric didn’t register so he couldn’t play football. He got hooked up in a fraternity. This was when Murray had called me one day – and Murray is from Tennessee so he calls me with this accent; “Where’s Flair?” I said to him that I don’t have a clue where Ric is. He lives in a different area than I do; he’s in a house, I’m in an apartment. He told me that I had to find him. I responded by telling him that I don’t know how I could find him, but I asked if there was a problem? He said that there was a problem because that Flair charged the school a phone bill total of $1,800. These were all long distance phone calls. He asked me to help him find him. I asked where he was calling and Murray said Michigan. Apparently, he met a young Wendy on a recruiting tour, so he was calling back and forth to Michigan to talk to her. We couldn’t find him. I find out that she finally convinced him to come to Michigan. He was there for a month and a half but nobody knew where he was. He ended up coming back and got an ear full from the coach. I don’t know how he ended up settling the $1,800 but it was settled someway.

•On Whether Ric Ever Expressed Concern Over Not Spending Enough Time With His Family:

No. He had no concerns at all about them. What I got a kick out of it is when people say that wrestling made the Nature Boy who he was, but Ric Flair was the Nature Boy before he ever got into wrestling. That was really who he was. When we graduated from Verne’s training camp, Ric was around in the AWA for a while. We had a few matches together, and then he would send everybody out to different areas. Jim Brunzell went to Kansas City for a couple of years, and Ric was sent to North Carolina where Verne had sent Ricky Steamboat. He knew he would get the type of education that he needed because they wrestled every night and competed with each other so he can come back to wrestle for the AWA. He would send everybody out for a year or two and when he thought they were ready he would bring them back to the AWA.
He had his two year stint in Charlotte, which then he ended up getting into that plane accident, which ended up breaking his back. They saw the potential that this guy had, and they didn’t want to let him go. They didn’t want to send him back, so we checked up on him. Nobody ever knew he would wrestle again. He came back and the Crocketts got him going. He had that natural charisma. He caught on quick with the people and they didn’t want to let him go. The only way they could let him go was to get him a position to win the NWA World Championship. Once he got that he was on the road all the time, and we couldn’t get him back over here. He did come back over here once, where he faced Nick Bockwinkel in Winnipeg. We had two champions against each other; it was a phenomenal match. We really wanted him back here, but we just couldn’t get him.

•On the Difficulties of Trying to Get Flair Back in AWA:

Ric became so established down there and he had the opportunity to carry the NWA. Anytime you were the champion and able to carry the AWA and NWA was a strong indication for anything that WWE was coming out with at the time. When you wrestled for the McMahons – I remember having a match with Johnny Rodz – it was the second match on the card in Madison Square Garden. Vince McMahon Sr. was there. We went out and tore the place down; we had the people standing. Vince McMahon Sr. came in and said to us, “Man, that was a heck of a match. What are my guys going to do?’ I said that I guess they better try following it. It was very funny because, I’ll tell you a good example.
There was Pedro Morales, who was a huge star in the WWE. He came in to the AWA and they were going to give him a big push, but he couldn’t get established here. He couldn’t get passed the third match on the card. It was a totally different style. The McMahons wanted big guys, cartoon characters, they didn’t care if they competed or not. In the AWA, that match had to be competitive and we had the top athletes in professional wrestling that came here because they only wrestled 270 days out of the year, not 360. We had time with our families and you gave yourself time to heal. The matches were much more competitive. Coming from New York, they didn’t know how to do that. When Vince needed people from us, like when “Superstar” Billy Graham and went up there, six months he was a main eventer. Bobby Duncam Sr. is another example. It was so different, we could be elevated in the WWE real quick, but when they come here, majority of them never really got into the main event category here because the matches were conducted.

•On the Insecurities of Flair As a Booker:

Flair wanted to be back there. He had opportunities to be back in the WWE and he felt that his roots were in the NWA and WCW. There were people that groomed him and made him who he was in the ring, so he felt some loyalty there. Ric came in and it was Mike Graham, Dusty Rhodes, Bill Dundee and myself booked all the TV’s and all that. They got Ric involved when he came back. It’s hard for guys that are in the main event to get their egos out of it when they are booking. They make it around them, and that was a little difficult with Ric.
I laid down a scenario that I think would have really done well, but he didn’t like it, and he felt that we were trying to move it out, and we weren’t. He didn’t listen to the long-term picture. He went on with the way he wanted to do it and it didn’t work out well, but I told him when we were riding in the car that if he had just let me finish and tell him where we were going with it and how we got there, it would have made sense to you, but you are so sensitive that we are all the same age, that we were trying to move him out, but that wasn’t the case at all.
Once he found out what the plan was he apologized, but that’s the way it was and later on, with [Hulk] Hogan, I helped him get in there. Then they got Kevin Nash and Scott Hall back in there because Eric Bischoff didn’t really know what he was doing, and all of a sudden he is listening to them. I laid out a scenario when they bought the AWA and they already owned the AWA, let’s create the two champions with Hulk Hogan as AWA Champion, and Ric Flair as NWA Champion, and you’ve got something Vince McMahon can’t do, which everybody wants to see is them beat. I laid the whole scenario out with Bischoff and the TV people, and a week later he fired me.
All of a sudden it was WCW and the NWO, which worked good for a year, but they didn’t have the spoke in there that could run that wheel and make it work. I was trained by my father that when you book, you have to book a year out and see down the road with it, but nobody down there knew how to do that. So, when they fired me, nobody knew how to get to that long range that they all thought they did but they didn’t. Most of them ran weekly where we started a year out and went backwards. Bill Watts, when I got there said that here is why I am bringing you in. I give you 24 hours to give me a scenario and so I laid out a whole year in front of him and when I came back they were blown away, and he told me that was what I learned from your dad, which is why I wanted you here, but there was too many conflicts down there with personalities. You had to be careful not to step on their egos; you weren’t, you were just doing what was right for business, and sometimes they don’t, sometimes you miss it, but with Flair’s scenario, when he came back where we had the AWA and NWA we could have taken Vince McMahon out of business.

RADICAN’S OTT WrestleRama: Belfast report – Ricochet vs. Cobb, Devlin vs. Havoc, Kings of the North vs. British Strong Style main event

Ted DiBiase On When He First Met Virgil, His Son's WWE Career And Reaction To Working With Virgil

Source: Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast
On episode 159 of Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast, pro broadcaster and pro wrestling enthusiast Sam Roberts interviewed WWE Hall Of Famer 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase. Among other things, DiBiase discussed his retirement from pro wrestling, working with Virgil, and his son, Ted DiBiase, Jr.'s decision to leave WWE.

According to DiBiase, he did not have a hard time calling it a career when he retired from pro wrestling, as he got more involved with his faith-based work. With that said, 'The Million Dollar Man' wishes that he had worked with Ted Jr.

"Yeah, I mean, I really didn't have any trouble because people ask me that all the time, they say, 'don't you miss it? I mean, man, you were the guy.' And it's like, I had a 19-year active career and overall I was in the industry as a full-time participant for 25 years. That's long enough. And when I transitioned out of this, into the ministry, the ministry began to consume me in the same way. And so, I kind of feel for the guys because there [are] a lot of guys that have a real hard time making that transition, but I didn't. I didn't. And people ask me all the time, 'don't you miss it? Don't you ever just wish you could get back in there again?' and I go, 'I really don't.' I say, 'now maybe if I see a really good match or I see a young guy and I see a lot of talent, I go, 'man, if I could get in there and have a match with him, it would help him a little bit.' Something like that. But wanting to be the guy again? No problem." DiBiase added, "there was one [up-and-coming star he regrets not working] for sure, my son."
On the subject of Virgil, DiBiase shared that he did not know Virgil before being paired with him by the office. DiBiase noted that Virgil was a decent guy who had a good look, but he was not very smart. Moreover, DiBiase indicated that they could have had a good run if Virgil was a better worker.

"Well, actually, I can't claim Virgil because I didn't even know Virgil until they introduced me to him in the office, so I'm not sure who found Virgil. But they hired Virgil. I mean, he had the look and he had the guns. And I guess that's about all I can say about that! Yeah, I mean, here's the thing about [Virgil]. He wasn't a bad guy. I mean, he showed up on time. He didn't smoke or drink or do drugs. I've been told that he likes to gamble, but other than that… But I did realize that [he] wasn't the smartest book on the shelf. No, not at all. And what we could've done if Virgil had some really, really good or decent wrestling skills, we could have had a heck of a run, but that wasn't in the cards."

Apparently, when Ted, Jr. was put with Virgil, 'The Fortunate Son' called asking his dad how he put up with Virgil.

"When he told me, 'they're going to put Virgil with me - it's very brief, very, very short,' but i think the idea was that they were trying to do a thing whereby he keeps saying, 'I'm not my dad,' but he keeps acting like me, right? And so, the first night Virgil is on TV with him, I'm watching the live show and it's over, well, I live in the central timezone, so it's over at 10 o'clock my time. At 10:05, my phone rings and it's Teddy. He said, 'dad, how did you put up with this idiot for as long as you did? He's driving me crazy!'"

Also during the interview, DiBiase indicated that he was very proud of his son for leaving WWE because it is the right thing to do for his family. DiBiase said his son understood that to be a top guy in WWE, he would have to put in time that he would otherwise be spending with his family.

"I was proud of him. I mean, he called me before, just before, and he said, 'dad, I just wanted you to be aware of something,' and he said, 'but before I tell you, the first thing you've got to promise me is you won't say those words.' I said, 'what words might that be?' 'I told you so.' And so he told me, he said 'my contract's about up and they want me to re-sign.' And he said, 'I'm not going to go back.' And I said, 'really?' And he said, 'yeah,' he said, 'because basically, you're right.'"

DiBiase explained, "nobody works harder in that company than Vince [McMahon], himself, and it's just going to be expected of you and he got that. He understood that, but that's also what he understood. He said, 'if I do that, it's not fair to my wife and it's not fair to my child.' And I said, 'I won't say those words!' And I said, 'but I'm glad you figured it out and I support you' and I know he bowed out gracefully. And, I mean, if he wanted to go back, he probably could."

Bret Hart Says Punch To Vince McMahon Was The 'Most Beautiful Punch Anyone Could Ever Throw'

Source: Calgary Herald
Bret Hart spoke with the Calgary Herald on topics in and outside of pro wrestling. Here are some of the highlights:

Punching Vince McMahon backstage after the "Montreal Screwjob" at Survivor Series in 1997:
"It was only one punch but it was such a beautiful punch. Of all the things I've ever done in my life, it was the sweetest, most beautiful punch anyone could ever throw. It was just amazing. The whole memory of it brings a smile to my face. I just maybe wish that I'd mopped the floor with Triple H and Shawn Michaels both at the same time right after. That would have been ideal. ... I think what it really amounted to was a case of Vince — and he's a very macho kind of guy — he wanted to back me down in front of everybody in the dressing room and show that he was the boss and save face. So he took it upon himself to put himself in a physical situation, which was laughable. But he put himself in that situation and I knocked him out."
Being lied to by people he worked with:
"To be lied to and screwed over legitimately by people that I had worked so hard for, I think it's always been a black eye on them, not me. Everything I said was true, everything that I said happened, it happened the way it did."

His goals when he got into wrestling:
"I got into wrestling to make some money, see the world, and meet girls. I accomplished that. Those were my initial goals. When I look back on everything, I'm really amazed by my career. I had so many wonderful guys that I worked with and great matches, that's what was most important to me — and the fans. I had a great fan base across the country and around the world."

You can read the full interview by clicking here.

Stephen Amell On Taking Table Bump At ROH Live Event, Alberto El Patron's Restaurant Closes, More


House of Hardcore returned to the Sports Arena in St. James, Long Island tonight with the following results:

*Bull Dempsey pinned the debuting Young Hot Briley (former WWE developmental talent Ryan Nemeth) with the Doink Drop.

*Vik Dalishus pinned Ace Romero.

*The debuting Luchasaurus (former WWE developmental talent Judas Devlin) pinned Alex Reynolds.

*Billy Gunn pinned MVP with a Famouser.

*Austin Aries pinned Matt Delray.

*Petey Williams defeated the debuting Willie Mack and Matt Cross.

*In an Elimination Tag Match, Tommy Dreamer, Shane Douglas, Little Guido & Super Crazy defeated Joey Matthews, Nick Aldis & The Spirit Squad.


Chaotic Wrestling “Playing With Fire”

November 17, 2017

Woburn, MA

Chaotic returns with their first show following their big “Breaking Point” event last month.  Elia Markopolous defends his Chaotic title against Chase Del Monte, who earned the shot by being the sole survivor of the “Caged Chaos” main event.

MATCH ONE: “Man of Steel” Mike Verna v. Robo The Punjabi Lion (with Sydney Bakabella)

Bakabella out cutting a promo.  It was entertaining as usual.  My favorite part was when fans were chanting “no one cares,” he turned to that section and said no one cares that they’re all going to die alone.

Bakabella played up Robo being the only undefeated wrestler from India in the world, so the story became USA v. the world, with fans chanting USA.

Match was a bit of a struggle.  It seemed like Robo was having trouble on being in the right place at the right time and on a couple of spots where he was supposed to catch Verna.  They worked hard and the crowd still enjoyed it.  Verna got the win with the fireman’s carry into the uranage.

After the match, Verna cut a promo saying he has unfinished business with Del Monte, and that he hopes it’s for the Heavyweight Title after tonight.  Good command from “The Man of Steel.”

WINNER: Mike Verna

MATCH TWO: Tripilicious (with Christian Casanova) v. Scotty Slade

Simple babyface/heel story.  It was okay.  Slade was in control until Casanova distracted and let Tripilicious get the heat on him.  Finish came when Casanova tried to get involved but it backfired.  Slade with a sit-out uranage for the win.  After the match, Casanova and Tripilicious laid Slade out.

WINNER: Scotty Slade

MATCH THREE: Chaotic Tag Team Championship – Anthony Greene (defending alone) v. DL Hurst & Brett Domino

Greene turned on his partner Cam Zagami last month via a fireball to the face, so Zagami is out injured.  Greene came out and announced himself as THE Tag Team Champions.  Plural.  He cut a promo saying he’s been an afterthought to “that other guy” when in reality he’s been doing it all alone, and he’ll continue to do it alone.  Good promo.

AG did a bit where he didn’t get the best of things right at the start, so he went to the corner, went to the apron, and tagged himself in.  Very clever, although if he keeps doing it it’ll totally get himself over as a babyface because the crowd loved it and kept asking him to do it.  The cheers were louder every time he did it during the match.

The match was decent and the work from all three guys was good, but they were in a hole from the start from a psychology standpoint as it was two babyfaces against one heel, so the crowd never fully got into it.

The finish saw AG push Hurst into Domino, who was on the top rope, and he rolled up Hurst for the pin.

WINNER: Anthony Greene

MATCH FOUR: Chaotic New England Championship – Josh Briggs (c) v. Wildman Kongo

This one was fine.  Kongo played the aggressor and got the heat on Briggs and did good in the role.  Briggs is over enough with this crowd that he didn’t have to kill himself to get a reaction (even though his nose might have been broken and he was bleeding).  The match structure was good, I just think that Kongo, who was a last minute replacement for JT Dunn, wasn’t known with recent Chaotic crowds, so there wasn’t much reaction to him.

The finish saw Kongo go up top, but Briggs cut him off and hit the I Hope You Die (reverse Razor’s Edge into a Falcon Arrow) for the win.  Good job by both.

WINNER: Josh Briggs


MATCH FIVE: The Logan Brothers (Matt & Bryan) v. The Amazing Graysons (Tommy & JP)

Pretty decent match.  The Graysons have a lot of potential as a high-flying babyface act.  Good, simple storytelling with the Logans playing heel and the Graysons getting to shine at certain points. The finish saw the Logans get the win with a sitout reverse powerbomb/cutter combo.

After the Logans went to the back, they played a video of Del Monte talking to the Logans, telling them to stay in the back and let him handle the main event alone.

WINNER: The Logan Brothers

MATCH SIX: Number One Contender to the Chaotic Women’s Title – Davienne v. Alexxis (Alisha Edwards) v. Delmi Exo

I enjoyed the interplay of Davienne and Alexxis.  I thought they showed good fire and genuine dislike of each other.  The finish saw Davienne look to have the finish when Exo threw her out of the ring.  She then tapped Alexxis with Cattle Mutilation.  Otherwise, the match struggled.

WINNER: Delmi Exo

MAIN EVENT: Chaotic Heavyweight Title – Elia Markopolous (c) v. Chase Del Monte

Slow burn, old school main event style of match.  I was worried about it for a while as the crowd didn’t seem into it, but it ended up being a very good match.  Elia came out working full blown heel and he was great in the role.  He’s been a babyface that the fans turned on organically, and it’s good they’re finally going with him as the heel.

The finish saw a double pin and the crowd wasn’t happy.  GM Johnny Vegas came out and restarted the match.  After some good nearfalls, Elia got a chair.  Vegas stopped him from using it from the floor.  As the ref went to get the chair out, Elia grabbed the title belt which was he wanted to use earlier and hit Chase with a belt shot for the pin.

After the match. Vegas said Elia needs to learn respect.  Elia said he doesn’t care about respect or the fans, he cares about the title.  Vegas slapped him.  In return, Elia dropped him with a TKO to end the show.  Good turn and a good finish to the show.

WINNER: Elia Markopolous


House of Hardcore debuts tonight with their first live event stream on Twitch from Philadelphia at the 2300 Arena.  The show will stream live at as well on Twitch Apps on the Amazon Firestick, Playstation and other devices.

The lineup for the ,show will feature:

*First Blood Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. Joey Mercury

*Austin Aries returns to Philadelphia with a live mic.

*The Spirit Squad vs. Guido Maritato & Super Crazy (with Big Sal E. Graziano)

*Nick Aldis vs. Billy Gunn.

*Willie Mack vs. Luchasaurus vs. Hot Young Briley.

*Also appearing are MVP, Petey Williams, Shane Douglas, Bull James, Matt Cross, Alex Reynolds and more.

For more on HOH, visit

Like their issues with EVOLVE Wrestling weren't enough. RING OF HONOR STATEMENT ON FLOSLAM

Ring of Honor Executive Greg Gilliend contacted PWInsider to issue the following statement this afternoon:

"It was brought to my attention that Floslam or Floslam representatives were fraudulently covering our San Antonio event yesterday, streaming video and posting photos to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  This has created an illusion that we are somehow working with them.  Ring of Honor are in no way affiliated with Floslam and their actions yesterday were unauthorized."

Guess we can file this under "DUH! Dumbasses". WWE SENDS OUT FREE MONTH OF WWE NETWORK BY ACCIDENT

Today someone I know found an email from WWE saying he was eligible for a free month of WWE Network. At first he thought that his account expired. But he checked and it was still working. So he thought he was being offered a free month out of loyalty or if he referred other people, it didn't exactly say why. So he just ignored it.

Later, WWE sent him another email stating:

"As you may know, all new subscribers to WWE Network receive their first month free.  We recently sent you an email in error promoting this free trial. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Thank you for being a WWE Network subscriber and we hope you enjoy Survivor Series tomorrow night."

Two other people I know have heard from other people in Canada that also received the email so if you got it, it was sent in error.