Saturday, November 18, 2017


Chaotic Wrestling “Playing With Fire”

November 17, 2017

Woburn, MA

Chaotic returns with their first show following their big “Breaking Point” event last month.  Elia Markopolous defends his Chaotic title against Chase Del Monte, who earned the shot by being the sole survivor of the “Caged Chaos” main event.

MATCH ONE: “Man of Steel” Mike Verna v. Robo The Punjabi Lion (with Sydney Bakabella)

Bakabella out cutting a promo.  It was entertaining as usual.  My favorite part was when fans were chanting “no one cares,” he turned to that section and said no one cares that they’re all going to die alone.

Bakabella played up Robo being the only undefeated wrestler from India in the world, so the story became USA v. the world, with fans chanting USA.

Match was a bit of a struggle.  It seemed like Robo was having trouble on being in the right place at the right time and on a couple of spots where he was supposed to catch Verna.  They worked hard and the crowd still enjoyed it.  Verna got the win with the fireman’s carry into the uranage.

After the match, Verna cut a promo saying he has unfinished business with Del Monte, and that he hopes it’s for the Heavyweight Title after tonight.  Good command from “The Man of Steel.”

WINNER: Mike Verna

MATCH TWO: Tripilicious (with Christian Casanova) v. Scotty Slade

Simple babyface/heel story.  It was okay.  Slade was in control until Casanova distracted and let Tripilicious get the heat on him.  Finish came when Casanova tried to get involved but it backfired.  Slade with a sit-out uranage for the win.  After the match, Casanova and Tripilicious laid Slade out.

WINNER: Scotty Slade

MATCH THREE: Chaotic Tag Team Championship – Anthony Greene (defending alone) v. DL Hurst & Brett Domino

Greene turned on his partner Cam Zagami last month via a fireball to the face, so Zagami is out injured.  Greene came out and announced himself as THE Tag Team Champions.  Plural.  He cut a promo saying he’s been an afterthought to “that other guy” when in reality he’s been doing it all alone, and he’ll continue to do it alone.  Good promo.

AG did a bit where he didn’t get the best of things right at the start, so he went to the corner, went to the apron, and tagged himself in.  Very clever, although if he keeps doing it it’ll totally get himself over as a babyface because the crowd loved it and kept asking him to do it.  The cheers were louder every time he did it during the match.

The match was decent and the work from all three guys was good, but they were in a hole from the start from a psychology standpoint as it was two babyfaces against one heel, so the crowd never fully got into it.

The finish saw AG push Hurst into Domino, who was on the top rope, and he rolled up Hurst for the pin.

WINNER: Anthony Greene

MATCH FOUR: Chaotic New England Championship – Josh Briggs (c) v. Wildman Kongo

This one was fine.  Kongo played the aggressor and got the heat on Briggs and did good in the role.  Briggs is over enough with this crowd that he didn’t have to kill himself to get a reaction (even though his nose might have been broken and he was bleeding).  The match structure was good, I just think that Kongo, who was a last minute replacement for JT Dunn, wasn’t known with recent Chaotic crowds, so there wasn’t much reaction to him.

The finish saw Kongo go up top, but Briggs cut him off and hit the I Hope You Die (reverse Razor’s Edge into a Falcon Arrow) for the win.  Good job by both.

WINNER: Josh Briggs


MATCH FIVE: The Logan Brothers (Matt & Bryan) v. The Amazing Graysons (Tommy & JP)

Pretty decent match.  The Graysons have a lot of potential as a high-flying babyface act.  Good, simple storytelling with the Logans playing heel and the Graysons getting to shine at certain points. The finish saw the Logans get the win with a sitout reverse powerbomb/cutter combo.

After the Logans went to the back, they played a video of Del Monte talking to the Logans, telling them to stay in the back and let him handle the main event alone.

WINNER: The Logan Brothers

MATCH SIX: Number One Contender to the Chaotic Women’s Title – Davienne v. Alexxis (Alisha Edwards) v. Delmi Exo

I enjoyed the interplay of Davienne and Alexxis.  I thought they showed good fire and genuine dislike of each other.  The finish saw Davienne look to have the finish when Exo threw her out of the ring.  She then tapped Alexxis with Cattle Mutilation.  Otherwise, the match struggled.

WINNER: Delmi Exo

MAIN EVENT: Chaotic Heavyweight Title – Elia Markopolous (c) v. Chase Del Monte

Slow burn, old school main event style of match.  I was worried about it for a while as the crowd didn’t seem into it, but it ended up being a very good match.  Elia came out working full blown heel and he was great in the role.  He’s been a babyface that the fans turned on organically, and it’s good they’re finally going with him as the heel.

The finish saw a double pin and the crowd wasn’t happy.  GM Johnny Vegas came out and restarted the match.  After some good nearfalls, Elia got a chair.  Vegas stopped him from using it from the floor.  As the ref went to get the chair out, Elia grabbed the title belt which was he wanted to use earlier and hit Chase with a belt shot for the pin.

After the match. Vegas said Elia needs to learn respect.  Elia said he doesn’t care about respect or the fans, he cares about the title.  Vegas slapped him.  In return, Elia dropped him with a TKO to end the show.  Good turn and a good finish to the show.

WINNER: Elia Markopolous

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