Monday, March 16, 2020

Mat Memory- NWA Germany in Hollabrunn, Austria 2000/09/15

Peter White vs. Mallorca
JAG vs. Maverick
Alex the Iceman vs. Chris Goliath
Jens van Gasteren vs. Leon Martinez
NWA Germany Heavyweight Champion Igor vs. Franz Schuhmann

ACW Proving Ground - March 11, 2020

Azreal Row vs Andres Reyes ... 0:50
Team Whatever vs Fabulous Fitness ... 16:16
Jake Shadows vs Apolo Jr vs Jarett Diaz ... 25:36
Kennedy Kendrick & Blanco Loco vs Justin Blax & ???? ... 35:29
Culture Inc vs TITAN ... 40:42
Dream Girl Ellie vs Katalina Perez ... 56:02
The Rapture vs Aaron Epic ... 1:05:02

Jim Cornette on The Angle With Paul E Dangerously & The Original Midnight Express

Bruce Prichard shoots on Ric Flair founding Evolution

Eric Bischoff Punks Tony Khan, Again (Maybe Tony Should Just Stay Silent At This Point)

AEW President Tony Khan recently spoke to The Financial Times and noted that AEW is taking examples of "what not to do" from WCW. Former WCW President Eric Bischoff responded to Khan's comments shortly after, and again this week he took time on his own podcast, 83 Weeks, to talk about the positive impact WCW and Monday Nitro have had on the wrestling industry.

"At this point in 2020, I think Nitro had one of the most significant, positive impacts in the wrestling industry across the board than anything else in the past 30 years, and I know I sound like I'm patting myself on the back because in a sense I am, but nonetheless it's true," Bischoff said. "You look at the positive things that have happened as a result of Nitro: WWE upping its game, WWE going live, WWE figuring out and adapting to the Nitro era or NWO era which from their perspective became the Attitude Era.

"You're still seeing the impact of early Nitro across the board including in AEW as much as they try to suggest, as Tony Khan did recently, that we're gonna do everything different that Eric Bischoff did. Well, guess what m-fer? You're doing about as much as I did than anyone else in the industry. I'm not defensive about that. I think it's just a fact when you look at things objectively. The things we did on Nitro [are what] you're still seeing today. They're things that change the nature, the landscape [and] the entire industry, and I think it's even fairer to say, now that I'm into my third Starbucks, WWE wouldn't be the company that it is today had it not been for the pressure, the influence and quite frankly the template we created that they were able to follow and take to the next level, so there I'm off my soapbox. Sorry."

Bischoff admitted that while he is critical of Khan's comments, he is still rooting for AEW and has nothing against Khan personally.

"Look, I got nothing against Tony," Bischoff admitted. "I love AEW. I'm rooting for their success, but I'm referring to an interview that he did a while back. I never read it. I didn't pay attention to anything in that particular week online because I was traveling. But I was doing 83 Weeks with Christy Olson on YouTube last Wednesday, and she brought it to my attention. And she kind of caught me by surprise by it.

"To hear Tony Khan kind of dismissing WCW and suggesting he's doing everything the opposite of what WCW did. Well good luck with that. So far he's probably made about $100 million to compete with the WWE developmental territory and all of a sudden he thinks he's Vince McMahon. Good luck to that brother. Can't wait to see how it all turns out, but I'm rooting for ya. I really am. I know it sounds like I'm not, but I really am."

Bischoff has told a story about how he almost met Khan at Tony Schiavone's birthday roast, but Khan left before then. Bischoff discussed AEW taking inspiration from WCW and doing similar things that WCW did like high guaranteed contracts, which WCW were criticized for at the time.

"Look, I probably sound like I have more chapped ass than I really do over this, but I get it he's been the business for only for a few months really. He's new at this. Putting him in the spotlight, he's getting a lot of questions that probably, at some point in time, he feels he's gotta make a strong response to something. He's really got his hands on the business. I get that. I was in that position. I understand it. I don't hold it against him," Bischoff said. "It seemed like a silly thing to say when you're naming all of your pay per views after WCW pay per views. Your production is all former WCW production. When your staging is all early low-budget Nitro. You're paying huge amounts of money, huge amounts of money to your top stars more than they've ever made in their lives in some cases including some of the announce talent, guaranteeing those dollars, a lot of the same things WCW had to do when they were trying to establish themselves. You're following in so many of the footsteps of WCW in so many different ways, that WCW was criticized for by the way in terms of guaranteed contracts and paying huge sums of money.

"Great to criticize. Easy to criticize especially when you've only been in the wrestling business for a cup of coffee or two, but whatever. Like I said, my ass isn't really all that chapped, but I did take exception to it in a small way."

"Look, had the article of Tony's statement been as complete as your summation of it, I would've taken no exception to it, but the way it read was 'WCW was a joke. It f--ked up the wrestling business. They advertised events that never happened.' Hey brother, when you're producing 200 shows a year and your overseas and you got two prime-time television shows that are topping the charts year after year, then I'll be impressed, but until then, be a little careful about what you criticize".


With next weekend's Lockdown Impact+ special and Twitch specials canceled, Impact Wrestling is covering the pay for the talents who have lost bookings.

Impact Tag Team Champion Ethan Page commented:

National Wrestling Alliance Suspends Crockett Cup & NWA Powerrr Events

The National Wrestling Alliance, given the uncertain course of this world health crisis, is suspending normal operations until June as far as any live performances. This includes the upcoming Atlanta, GA events; Crockett Cup PPV on April 19th at the Gateway Center Arena and our NWA Powerrr tapings at GPB Studios on April 20th and 21st. At this time, the Super Powerrr episode scheduled to air on Tuesday March 17th, which promoted these events, will not air in its current form in order to not create confusion in the marketplace. However, we will continue to produce content in the interim, and thank fans in advance for their continued support.

The health and safety of our wrestlers, in-house and NWA staff, and fans are of the utmost importance during the global pandemic of COVID-19. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

For those who have purchased tickets to The Crockett Cup at the Gateway Center, you’ll be receiving a refund from the point of purchase. For the NWA Powerrr at GPB on April 20th and 21st, if you’d like to keep your tickets for a future GPB event please email If you do not contact Maureen within 5 days, you’ll be issued a refund on your NWA Powerrr tickets.

Please stay safe!

Jon Moxley On How He's A Different Person After Leaving WWE

Shortly after Jon Moxley departed WWE and left his Dean Ambrose character behind, he released a video on social media promoting the return of Jon Moxley. The video showed him breaking out of prison and one can apply a metaphor to him breaking out of the constraints of WWE.

Moxley talked about how his AEW character is so different than Dean Ambrose in an interview on The Walkway to Fight Club podcast.

"It's just kind of like a whole other different person that had been like sleeping or in jail or suspended. It was like Jon Moxley was serving an eight-year suspension and then he finally got reinstated," Moxley said referring to his eight years in WWE.

"It's hard to explain but when you're being pushed in so many directions, and saying somebody else's words and you're doing something that's somebody else's vision and you're trying to exist within all these different constraints, it's like you'd not become yourself anymore. And now I just walk out there and it's whatever. If I'm in a pissed off mood, I'm going to be pissed off. If I'm in a happy mood, I'm going to be happy. If I'm in a mood to joke around and be joking around, you know, whatever. I'm just gonna walk out there and do whatever. Whatever the situation calls for you and no matter how tired I am or sore, beat up or anything."

Similarly to how he did with The Shield, Moxley is also coming through the crowd while in AEW. That allows him to see the fans up close and personal and he says their passion and energy rubs off on him as well.

"I don't think TV is even doing justice to how hot some of these crowds are at AEW. When I see some of the stuff back there, I'm like man it was like you're there live man. These crowds are so great and I got the best vantage point of anybody because I come through the crowd. So, like we're out sore, tired, braindead or jet lagged, I walk out into that audience and I feel the energy of the fans that are the greatest wrestling fans in the world right now. These people coming out to support AEW who want to be part of the ground floor. The energy is just like the biggest shot of adrenaline you can imagine. I become like an absolute killing machine when I walk through the crowd. It's such a cool feeling. I look forward to every Wednesday," stated Moxley.

Martin Kirby Announces Retirement From Wrestling

British pro wrestler Martin Kirby announced his retirement on Sunday in a heartfelt Twitter message. Kirby spent his 14-year long career wrestling in many UK promotions including Defiant Wrestling before the promotion's closure in 2019.

Kirby spent his 2020 wrestling for Dragon Gate having debuted in the promotion in 2019. Dragon Gate was amongst many other Japanese promotions that were forced to cancel shows due to the coronavirus.

Kirby held many titles throughout his career. Kirby is a former Defiant Internet Champion, SWE Speed King Champion and RevPro British Tag Team Champion.

In his message, Kirby wrote, "I first began wrestling 14 years ago, [and] in that time I've surpassed any expectations I ever had. The opportunities I've been fortunate to have received allowed me to wrestle in every major city, main event shows, meet [and] greet childhood heroes, have a WWE Try Out [and] even complete [two] tours in Japan with Dragon Gate.

"However, the time has now come to hang up my pink [and] black trunks for the final time. I'm proud of all the friends I've made, things I've accomplished [and] fans I've entertained over the years. Thank you."

Eric Bischoff shoots on gloating on Vince McMahon s voicemail

Gangrel v Vinny Pacifico (Warriors Of Wrestling 3/6/20)

Mat Memory- AAW'S Defining Moment Show From 8/31/17

Defining Moment
Berwyn Eagles Club - Berwyn, IL
1. Connor Braxton vs. PACO
2. Jeff Cobb vs. Joey Janela
3. The A Team (Davey Vega, Mat Fitchett, & ACH) vs. Team Tremendous (Dan Barry & Bill Carr) & Colt Cabana
4. Shane Strickland vs. Matt Riddle
5. Trevor Lee vs. Keith Lee vs. AR Fox
6. AAW Heritage Championship: Brian Cage vs. Penta El Zero M (c)
7. AAW Tag Team Championship: Oi4K (Jake & Dave Crist) vs. Zachary Wentz & Dezmond Xavier (c)
8. Zema Ion vs. Cody
9. Title vs. Mask: Rey Fenix vs. Sami Callihan (c)

Jim Cornette Reviews Adam Page & Dustin Rhodes vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara

Reality Of Wrestling: The Best of Steel Cage Matches

Welcome to the "Best of Series" where we look back into our history to show you the most memorable moments in Reality of Wrestling's history.

Fallah Bahh vs Mysterious Q

Ryan Davidson vs Bryan Keith

The Pride vs Gustavo Mendoza

Cameron Cole vs Bartek

Gino Medina vs Ayden Cristiano

Mysterious Q (with DDP) vs Samoan Beast (with Stevie Rae)

Ryan Davidson & Alex Reigns vs Cameron Cole & Bartek

JJ Blake vs Terrale Tempo   (No Limits Cage Match)

Bryan Keith vs Ryan Davidson    (Rematch)

Hyan vs AQA    (Women's Title)

Bert Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling Episode 94 3-14-20

On this show we see the feud between Kid Wrestling and Bam Bam Bundy come to a head, Chris Style and Gunner Laine prepare for war, Matthew Starr brings a new “Club” to take on Toby Farley, and the bitter feud between Nathan Starr and Honcho Hensley picks up!