Thursday, October 3, 2019

House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling- Turnbuckle TV Season 4 Episode 29

HoB Turnbuckle TV Season 4 Episode 29 On this week's episode of #TurnbuckleTV, available on the #HouseOfBricks YouTube channel,, House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling once again brings you action from HoB Brickaversary Friday September 20th New Bedford, MA. First, in a number one contenders match for the HoB Womens Championship, currently held by Nakoma tala "great warrior wolf", "Suplex Sweetheart" Isana locks up with "The Alley Cat" Delilah Hayden. And in this week's #TurnbuckleTV Main Event. It is a handicap match as The Baker Boys, "The Brick" David Baker & The Wildside Devin Baker entangle with AJ Hott! Make sure to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to never miss an episode of #TurnbuckleTV!

Article by Bill M. Walkowitz "You Fucks Need To Stop Whining"

You Fucks Need To Stop Whining

That's probably the best way to describe what I'm about to write, the title of this thing.. I've watched on Facebook and Twitter all the back and forth and back and forth and back and forth between NXT and AEW, which is better, how they're better, why they're better, etc etc etc.. Yet here's the thing that really stands out with me when it comes to a lot of current era marks.. They whine, cry, bitch and scream they want something different, but when they DO get something different, they go and complain about the different they get.
You fucks need to stop whining, period.
My God, you have more wrestling available on TV, YouTube, streaming services than you'll ever be able to watch in your lifetime, almost every week if you know where to look.

Now me, I don't hold an opinion on who's better, I just go on what appeals to me and I fully admit I'm not an NXY fan.. I don't slam them or say they're weaker than AEW, the way they present their talent which is in effect, the "WWE Way", has always been a turn off for me. Which is why I haven't watched anything WWE on a regular basis in over nine years and counting, and just glancing at part of last night's NXT show on USA reminded me why that is.

The whole "WWE way" of how they present their product, talent, etc.. just doesn't flow with me.. Presentation , especially when I've seen a lot of their talent elsewhere before, they got the "WWE Polish" so to speak, is what makes me different than a lot of other people. The whole 'WWE spin" of things doesn't jive with me and I know many who'll disagree but that's fine.. Go ahead.. I at least seen some of the behind the scenes "WWE spin and polish" by working for an indy group in the 90's that had the WWE'S training dojo on their shows. So I saw first hand alot more than a lot of fans, marks, critics have seen. So my opinion is based on what I like, look for and have seen.

One thing I noticed is that people who have been disenfranchised with WWE clamor and state they want something different. well, they got something different in AEW. Hell there's something different for them in Impact Wrestling, ROH, Indy groups all over the fucking world, do the footwork and find them if you REALLY want something different.

If you're like me, and most aren't, in that Impact's way of presenting their product and talent (along with Don Callis's claims he was gonna rid Impact of the silliness that's plagued them but has in fact added his own silliness since he writes and books that silliness now) doesn't give me what I'm looking for and seeing old ECW veterans there it seems like there's 'something missing' (Oh yeah, that would be Paul Heyman and how he helped make ECW over this Impact in a way trying to emulate ECW in a way and coming up short?) Along with the fact most of what made Impact worth watching talent wise, is now gone thanks to Anthem Sports just letting them walk on out without even trying to keep them,.. leaves me with what.. Other than Tessa Blanchard? Not much to like here.. ROH isn't much better since they're so high spot heavy in many ways, the level of 'selling' in a lot of their matches is horribly bad and yes, I'm a stickler for 'selling'. if you no sell a lot, i hit fast forward or go watch something else.. No selling is an insult to the fan's intelligence and if you weren't trained correctly in HOW to sell, then you should go learn how to sell. Selling, makes a fucking difference, hate to be the bearer of bad news to you, but it makes a lot of difference.

So now we have AEW, the 'thing' that people wanted to see, that 'something different' that they whined and cried and bitched so much about.. It's here.. But now that it's here, what do i see? The same bitching about this as they did on WWE.

"They should've done this", "they could've done that", "they should've booked it this way" booking wise.. "Why didn't so and so win", I mean seriously, you wanted something different, you got it and now you're gonna complain about the different that you got? Maybe you fucks should just stop watching if nothing makes you happy. Or.. iIf you think you can do it better, as I tell every person who thinks they're the armchair expert.. "You think you can do it better, create your own promotion and do it better then". 99% of the time when i say that? I get, silence, or excuses.. Mostly silence.. because the excuses just show that they know they got called out on their BS rant and are now back stepping..

Now I watched and wrote a review on AEW'S debut..

While there was stuff that rubbed me wrong, there was enough for me to want to check em out next week.. To see the one big answer to my question, Where, do they go from here?

The only gripe from all the bitching complaining and whatnot I can agree on, is the commercials.. The picture in picture thing for commercials and having to endure six to seven of those commercials was indeed nauseating.. BUT as I said to more than one person, maybe that was a TNT call and not an AEW.. I've seen some blame AEW for that but it's not AEW'S TV Network, so how can you blame them? TNT is the one airing the show and (I assume) getting paid by AEW to have the show air on their network.. So in the end it's TNT that makes the call on how the pacing and placing of commercials will be.

Pin the blame where it belongs, not on AEW but on the network that has allowed AEW to be aired on that network..

Also, another note.. While those picture in picture commercials and other commercial breaks are irritating to you and in some ways, me.. I can assure you than ANY owner of ANY Indy company anywhere in this country would be happy as hell, to have them commercial breaks if they could get the air time and exposure that AEW has with TNT.. Another thought that many have been lost on as well.

It's only their debut week on TV and people have bombed AEW with bitching and whining.. Well let's see YOU do better then, do so or shut up.. That simple.. You wanted something different, you got it but yet you still bitching.. Some fans/marks are really unbelievable, seriously..

In the end you don't HAVE TO choose between either or, watch both if you're a fan of both, watch whichever one you like more or, there's option C which I go for every time and that's.. WATCH SOMETHING ELSE!
For the idiot and ass clown that's gonna say "A duh, there isn't anything else", I can surely say, BULLSHIT! I subscribe to over 100 different YouTube channels and there's ALWAYS SOMETHING ELSE! DDT out of Japan posts videos almost every day, there's a ton of Indy groups that have channels and post content, do the fucking footwork and find it if you really want something different. It's not that freaking hard so why be that lazy?

The one company I AM, looking forward to seeing? Seeing how THEIR TV is gonna go? is Billy Corgan's NWA TV Studio Wrestling.. THAT has me the most excited as their presentation to me has been off the charts good.. They have ALOT of talent that I like on the roster and it preserves the history and heritage of, the NWA while bringing it to the present. There's the option C right there along with the many channels on YouTube I can access at any given time.. Capitol Wrestling has a weekly show, AMW out of Kentucky, OVW that Al Snow now owns, I can go on and on naming groups I can watch on Wednesdays if i really want to.

So in the end, the answer is the same as the beginning of this, you fucks need to stop whining. You have more wrestling than you can ever dream of having.. Go watch it, and shut the fuck up.

Review Of AEW'S Debut Show Dynamite On TNT

 My review  on AEW'S Debut on TNT.

Cody vs Sammy Guevara

A very solid opener going back and forth and not as many flip flop maneuvers as I thought I'd see. Some very solid wrestling and Sammy's 'selling' in the match improved, especially after getting smacked by Brandi and taking that kick by Cody afterwards.  Seeing 'selling' like that makes alot of difference and you don't see alot of this current era's wrestlers actually 'sell'.. Because either they weren't trained properly on how to sell, or they feel they don't need to. So this was indeed refreshing. The only flaw I saw in this was way too many near falls. If you do that on this level in the opening match it's not gonna seem 'important' on matches later in the show cause 'everyone's' gonna be doing it. But the finish was really solid and THAT, helped tell the complete story of the match. A story was told within the match and it came over well in my opinion.

I see the complaint of many of the commercials as a nuisance but my only thing is there were way too many of them or.. They could've went to commercial AFTER, Jericho attacked Cody (which would've made more sense) But as I'll address later, was this a TNT call to do it this way?  THAT'S the big question though the whiners are slamming AEW for it when it may not, be their call on how that was done.

Brandon Cutler vs MJF

Tony deliver one of the best lines ever saying "I wanna see Cutler, shut this little prick's mouth", LMAO! Lord was that something you'd never hear on WWE'S shows. McMahon would be having a heart attack screaming into the headsets if that happened, LOL!

This was shorter than I thought but effective with the submission victory.

The fact they say "Professional Wrestling" and not "Sports Entertainment" also is a plus for me as well. Sometimes little things like that, can mean alot.

Hangman Page vs Pac

Where oh where did the 'selling' go, where oh where can it be? Lots of moves, lots of slamming into barriers but also, lots of no selling.. I'll always be a stickler for that and if there's lots of no selling it has me tempted to hit fast forward. Though it does get better later in the match, the fact that they felt they had to get alot of moves in a few seconds at the beginning with 'selling' kinda thrown out the window does gnaw on me.

Actually if they just went to the full commercial break instead of this picture in picture thing. That, would make more sense. Seven commercials also is a bit much as well. REALLY? SEVEN COMMERCIALS? Obviously this is, a TNT call.

It came across overall solid but nothing I'll remember a week from now because sadly, no matter where I've seen these two wrestle (PAC in the UK, Page in ROH), these two just don't do anything for me. So while I watched a match i would usually fast forward thru, the fact these two don't, do anything for me was reminded to me here.

Nyla Rose vs Riho

What I felt lacked in the last match, was totally different with this match. I'm used to a high bar set so to speak when it comes to women's matches because of women like Little Miss Roxxy, Millie McKenzie Jordyanne Grace and Tessa Blanchard. So I wasn't sure coming into this one whether it'd be good or not. Surprised the hell out of me and has me invested in seeing more of what they can do. Very solid match and no, I won't be giving the Dave Meltzer star rating system for any of these.

Of course the SIX COMMERCIALS THEY AIRED PICTURE IN PICTURE I'm sure infuriated alot of people. Again I'll bet money that's a TNT call to force so many commercials in one sport that way instead of pacing for commercials differently. The only fault on this is what I mentioned about the first match. too many near falls.  But fans like me that actually DO have a long attention span unlike many current era fans/marks don't, notice things like this. Other than that this was, awesome to watch.

Young Bucks & Omega vs Jericho and LAX (Santana & Ortiz)

And here comes the high spot festival I was fearing would be coming all show long.. The first few minutes reminded me of what I dislike about alot of today's wrestling.. High spot city with no substance. Also,when Moxley shows up and hhmm, Is security all of a sudden on a coffee break?

They were out earlier in the show but when Omega and Moxley are brawling in the 'VIP area" (which is as far away from the ring with no view of it as possible, LOL ) Security seems nowhere to be found.

Then it's back to doing a million fast moves in a minute again. At least The Younbg Bucks took a loss so not every one of the AEW higher ups didn't get a win.

All my knocks on the things i saw, this was a solid outing for a group many said couldn't even fill a ten thousand seat arena long long ago. Over 14,000 in the building tonight so Meltzer can again, eat his words. This show was enough and showed enough to where I'll have a look at it next week, to see where, they go from here.. because THAT, is the main question. You made your debut.. But where, do you go, from here? THAT is what I'll be observing.