Monday, November 5, 2018

Look What I Found To Watch- Progress Wrestling Pumpkin Spice Chapter 77 10/28/18

Want To Watch The Chris Jericho Cruise – ROH Sea Of Honor Tournament 11/3/18? Here You Go :)

Want To Watch OTT Wrestling's Fourth Year Anniversary Show? Here's A Way :)

Mat Memory- Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs Billy Robinson & Frank Hill (AWA- 1978)

From AWA All-Star Wrestling, May 1978. Patterson & Ray The Crippler Stevens take on Billy Robinson & Frank Hill (who became Jules Strongbow a few years later in the WWF) in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

John 'Bad Bones" Klinger Promo On Upcoming Match VS Rampage (Defiant Wrestling)

There Is A Reason They Call Me The German Psycho...

Jimmy "Fuckin" Havoc Gets Jumped By His Best Friend (Progress Wrestling)

"I know there are others that think like I do. Join me."

Bert Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling: Ep. 33 - 11/3/18

Air Blake Christian is in action on this week's episode. Also, Tony Atlas takes on Boyd Bradford in an arm wrestling match. LT Falk looks to reunite with a long time friend, while Kevin Zion has other thoughts about the reunion.


Former Ring of Honor Champion Takeshi Morishima, 39-years old, was arrested yesterday according to Yahoo Japan following an incident where he allegedly assaulted a taxi driver after refusing to pay a fare of 18,000 yen ($159.03 American Dollars), leaving the driver with a fracture of his left cheek.   
Earlier this year, Morishima made a surprise appearance at a live event being promoted by Riki Choshu, announcing that he would be returning to the ring on 10/15 at Genesis, another Choshu promoted event.  Morishima later pulled off the date.
Morishima, who was sometimes compared to a young Terry Gordy, was a regular with Pro Wrestling NOAH who shockingly ended Homicide's ROH title run just a few weeks in, holding that belt for a little over six months.  He had some great matches with Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness during his run.  After the ROH run, Morishima returned to NOAH and won the Global Honored Crown Championship several times.  WWE had interest in him at one point as well, but he was never signed after several tryout matches.
Morishima was a great "big man" worker inside the ring but injuries cut his career short.  He announced a retirement in 2015 and pursued a nursing degree before returning to the public eye earlier this year with his return announcement.

Indy Results And Upcoming Dates.

  • Hoosier Pro Wrestling in Columbus, IN, celebrated its 20th anniversary and 14th annual Fireman's Cheer Fund Toy drive on Saturday night raising $2,879 in bikes, toys and raffles for Christmas-based charity work: Ace Jackson b Zack Pittman to win cruiserweight title, Scarecrow b Echo the Clown, Dewey Brown & Cooter b Sign Guy, Omega B b Duke the Nuke, Lightning Bolt b J Rocc, Richard Sharkey b Harley & Shawn Reed, Fireball & War Machine b Dynamite Dillen & Buck Sexton, Drax O'Brien b Raul in loser leaves town, Kenny Kage b Butcher Manson-DQ. Next show is 12/1 after the Christmas Parade. 
  • FIST Combat from Thursday night in La Mesa, CA: Sledge b Vlad Tempest, Danny Limelight won over Rios Badu and Dylan Kyle Cox, Lois Grain NC Wendy, Sledge won Battle Royal, Jesse James & Hoss Hogg & Ruby Raze b Randy Order & Jordan Cruz & Anthony Idol, Randy Order b Tommy Dreamer, Dirty Ron McDonald over Matt Twizted and Dirty Doug in a barbed wire match.
  • Evolve announced today that Allysin Kay defends the Shine title on Friday night in Livonia, MI against Shotzi Blackheart. Robbie Brookside is doing a seminar before the show and one person from the seminar will get a chance to go to NXT television and work as an extra. (thanks to Shannon Walsh)
  • Smash Wrestling on 11/23 in St. Catharines, ON at Isaac's Bar and Grill.
  • NSW's 15th anniversary show on 11/25 in Etobicoke, ONT
  • Jonah Rock vs. Flip Gordon was announced for World Series Wrestling on 11/23 in Melbourne.

Raw is taped tonight. All mentions live of Crown Jewel were booed.. (Imagine That, LOL )

And that's all that really needs to be said as proof on how bad it was for McMahon to insist that show go on. Of course WWE will conveniently ignore the boos because they think they know what's best when, they really don't.

It's That Time Of The Season Again, To Put Dave Scherer In Check, Again (Updated)

It's apparent that it's again the time of the season where I, cause nobody else has the balls to really do it, has to go and again put Dave Scherer at PWInsider in check again. I mean, it's really not that hard to do if you know what kind of a morn he really is (and I've proved it time and again that he is, a moron), but since nobody seems to be capable of doing it or, is too scared to do it. Leave it to me to once again do it for all of you, because simply, it IS, just that easy to do.

Someone who reads both my site and the one Scherer writes for sent me this pic here. From a thread where he answers questions sent in to him.

So before I go and refresh your memory on how I've checked Scherer in the past, I'll go and put him in his place again, right now.

Mr. Scherer likes to be a tough guy and talk shit on his own site where he has the last word. Where I, on my own site, on Facebook and on Twitter take on every wannabe smart ass, dumb ass and lame ass on an almost weekly basis and get the last word on all three platforms. I don't have to hide behind PWInsider web page and get the last word only because he won't publish anyone else verbally smacking him. That's the only way he can feel like he's superior to people, Get him in an email exchange or on twitter? And he bitches up every time and suddenly gets silent, along with hiding behind blocking people like a bitch (which I'll show evidence of that here too) because he can't handle it when people punk him out in public.

Now for the pic above here that someone sent me? I actually know what journalism is, have been a wrestling writer dating back to when he was starting out (as explained in this article I wrote on it you can see by clicking this. ) And as much as he 'claims' he has a responsibility to cover a show like Crown Jewel? He really doesn't because simply put.. PWInsider is HIS webpage, he and Mike Johnson so they answer to themselves, they, are their own bosses so they can CHOOSE, whether they cover it or not. THEY... CHOSE to do it.

They simply could've made a post on their own web page stating they weren't going to do it for whatever reasons or beliefs they wanted, but they didn't and chose to go ahead and cover it. There was no 'responsibility' there because most fans didn't want the show to happen in Saudi Arabia anyway, and from what I've read about it after the show? Most fans weren't happy with it, so why cover a show most fans didn't want to see happen and in the end weren't happy with? It sounds like a waste of time and from the looks of it, it was. I have my own site right here on Blogger, and I'm an admin for acouple groups on Facebook and not one time was I ever told I HAD to cover a show or event. I post or write what I want, that's the freedom of HAVING YOUR OWN SITE OR PLATFORM, DIPSHIT! YYOOUU can make them choices on what to cover and what not to, but I guess Scherer isn't really smart enough to see that concept.

Another thing is the writer of that letter in the pic above? He had the balls to call Scherer out on truthful things, pretty much the same things I just did and Scherer tried to defend himself toeing a com[pan y line when PWInsider isn't even, a company. It was an excuse to hide behind to try and cover his ass but unfortunately, the excuse doesn't add up when he simply could've decided not to do it. In the end, it came down to a choice and he chose to cover it and judging from the letter written, didn't do a real great job, sounds like he phoned it in.

As I said he could've made a post saying he, or they at PWInsider weren't going to cover it and most of the 'subscribers' to their VIP membership (that I heard from multiple people isn't even worth paying for cause you're paying to hear their opinions that they don't want to give for free, who the hell wants to 'pay', to hear THEIR, opinions? Pretty stupid if you ask me) would've understood. But maybe maybe, just MAYBE, Scherer just didn't have the balls to NOT COVER IT. There's always that as well. He had a choice and it wasn't 'required' that he cover Crown jewel, or any other show for that matter, it's a choice.. Yes... or No.. pretty simple decision to make, why couldn't HE make it? Funny how I bet if you ask him that, he'll have no answer for you.

I didn't cover it on my site or in the Facebook Groups I post in, why should I? I for one.. Felt they should've pulled out of Saudi Arabia like other US Companies have on their business deals, Two.. Knew that two dozen other wrestling sites were going to cover it anyway, so what really could I add to it that those other sites were gonna cover in many different ways? And three, I rarely cover WWE shows anyway. My niche and my success with my site and posting in groups has been showing a better product than WWE in either the indy groups I follow or the groups in the UK, etc. So it was an easy choice, yes or no and I chose no.. A choice I guess Mr. Scherer had difficulty in making.

Now he's gonna know I wrote this and really (shrugs) I could give two shits because you know what he's going to do? Nothing, and stay silent like he always does. Because I've proven time and again that when you take him away from the bubble he hides in at PWInsider and embarrass him publicly, he runs and hides behind blocking people as his response. And before you message me and call bullshit, here's proof. Proof is a mother fucker and I'm always a mother fucker, who has proof.

Here's this link here that shows Scherer punking up after getting slapped by someone who showed him my story where I checked him.  Last picture on the bottom? Is Scherer hiding behind a block because someone punked him on something I wrote, LOL! Then there's THIS LINK where again, someone else on Twitter smacks Scherer on something I wrote, and because this was on Twitter and not the bubble of PWInsider where Scherer could hide and get the last word, the last picture on this when you click the link? is.. Scherer again, running and hiding behind a block because he couldn't handle being smacked in public and had nothing to fire back with with. Typical bitching up.

So in the end he'll know I wrote this and won't say a damn thing anywhere about me on it because he knows better. He knows he'll get humiliated and he doesn't have anywhere he can hide except, behind blocking people like a bitch. He chose to cover Crown Jewel and tried to be a tough guy on his own site, the only place where he can get away with trying to be a tough guy because anywhere else? You see the evidence right here, He bitches up with a quickness. Now had I, wrote that letter that I posted the pic of above at the beginning of this? Scherer never would've posted it. He doesn't have them kind of balls and he knows any answer he'd try to give me, wouldn't be convincing. I can easily see thru his bullshit, like many others should as well. So again, here I am, putting Dave Scherer in his place because simply, it's too damn easy to do, as always. Maybe next time he decides he wants to be a wannabe tough guy on his own site, he'll think it thru long and hard and realize, he shouldn't because he'll just get checked again, like he's been right here, thanks to me.

Someone must've JUST SHOWN HIM this srory because look, LOOK at what Scherer JUST DID, LMAO! He bitched up on me and now is hiding from me behind a block. I wasn't blocked twenty minutes ago so this is all you need to see to see everything I've said, is correct. :) Guess that shows what bitches have to do when someone like me speaks the truth, LOL! 

Vendetta Pro Wrestling TV 31 - OTS 6


RELEASE DATE: 10/11/2018 
Vendetta Pro Wrestling takes it 'To The Streets' at the Salinas Valley Fair in King City, California with two Main Event caliber matches!
Our first match features the Battling Bombshells, as the "Las Vegas Wrangler" Allie Parker takes on Impact Wrestling Knockouts Superstar Katarina!
Then, in our second contest, former International Tag Team Champion Richie Slade takes on one of his "besties", former Tri-Force Champion Vintage Dragon.

FREE MATCH Over The Top Wrestling Presents, Will Ospreay Vs Walter

FREE MATCH Over The Top Wrestling Presents, Will Ospreay Vs Walter 
For Over The Top Wrestling's Fourth Year Anniversary Oct 13th, Dublin's National Stadium.

Austin Aries And Jim Cornette Trade Shots On Social Media

Aries will lose a battle of words against Cornette. Aries doesn't have what it takes to be up on the level of Cornette when it comes to this so his bet bet, is to really, just fucking stay silent. before Cornette continues to make you look like a fucking moron.

On his social media, Austin Aries has been posting fans who have expressed their anger towards how the former Impact World Champion reacted at the end of last month's Impact Bound for GloryPPV after losing the title to Johnny Impact. After losing, Aries immediately got up, yelled towards Don Callis, and walked to the back, flipping off the fans along the way.
As noted, Aries' contract with Impact Wrestling has expired, and while he still hasn't signed a new contract with the company, it was reported the promotion was still high on Aries and he should be returning soon.
Getting back to his social media, a few days ago Aries took a harsh quote from Jim Cornette and put it over a not so flattering photo of Cornette.
"Don't knock Austin Aries' talent, he's a good performer. The only reason he fails everywhere is because he's a miserable little whiner who thinks he should be pushed to the moon and knows more than everyone else. Wrestling and promos, he's fine. Probably needs a cheeseburger."
The "probably needs a cheeseburger" line is a joke in reference to Aries being vegan.
Here's where you can see more of this.

Eli Drake On "Flippy" Wrestling: "That's Made Me Start Hating The Business"

 Eli Drake spoke with Impact Backstage Interview Alicia Atout on her YouTube channel, AMBY. After a fairly joyous interview, Drake was asked what his least favorite wrestling move to take was, and he answered "kicks to the head." In turn, Drake asked Atout what her likes/dislikes were in wrestling and for likes she said "flippy stuff." Drake immediately responded, "I hate that stuff" and proceeded to explain why.
"That's made me start hating the business, I'll be honest," Drake said. "The business that I fell in love with was big, strong, masculine men who looked like they were fighting. They all had characters and they all could— even the worst promo guys were good. Now? Holy s---. Good luck [to] anybody being able to handle [a microphone], it's bad. But everybody relies on goddamn flips and Cirque du Soleil spots."
Drake continued that the aggressive in-ring style is appealing to a niche audience and a casual audience isn't going to latch on like they would when it comes to creative stories and/or characters.
"Let's say somebody who hasn't checked in since 2001," Drake began. "Let's say they they decide, 'You know what? I haven't watched wrestling in awhile. I'm gonna check in.' They're gonna turn on today's product and go, 'What the f--- is this?' The casual audience was never really turned on by crazy moves, they were turned on by crazy characters. That's why the big swell happened in the late 90s. ... It's moments, this whole business is telling a story, it's characters, it's all of that."
The former Impact World Champion then spoke about how wrestlers are now killing themselves in the ring, despite fans fully understanding today (compared to the past) that matches are scripted. He starts off by saying how he's not a fan of the overabundance of superkicks being used today.
"It's so stupid, and I'll tell you why," Drake said. "People say, 'Oh, the business has evolved!' Evolved to what? Has my head evolved? Because if you kick me in the head enough times, I'm not getting up. We are killing our own credibility — and I know that's going to sound like f------ old timer or whatever the f--- bulls---, but it's true — because now you got guys going out there in the very first match, kicking each other in the head, over and over again, guys kicking out at two and seven-eights, over and over again. What do you got left down the line when we are later in the show? Somebody is going to have to shoot somebody or stab somebody to get a reaction at that point.
"One of the best lines I heard, I don't know if it was [Jim] Cornette or who, but the people used to think it was real and all the workers were safe, not hurting each other. Now the people know it's fake, which is fine, people know TV is fake, but we are killing ourselves trying prove to them that it's not. We're working ourselves! We're all getting injured at a higher rate and it's stupid, and that bothers me about the business."

JBL Admits WWE Stars Are Micromanaged

 WWE Legend JBL, also known as John 'Bradshaw' Layfield, was a guest on Busted Open Radio with Dave LaGreca and WWE Hall Of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley, also known as Bully Ray. Among many other things, JBL talked about whether the current crop of WWE Superstars is micromanaged. Also, JBL shared his thoughts on what current pro wrestlers he would like to wrestle.
When asked whether WWE performers today are micromanaged, JBL responded in the affirmative, but indicated that there is a great opportunity for talent who are not just happy to have a job, as fewer WWE Superstars are trying to stand out from the crowd than in 'The Attitude Era'.
"Look, my understanding, and I haven't been around the locker room for over a year, and when I was there as an announcer, I wasn't in there in the locker room." JBL explained, "I was busy with notes and trying to figure out what's going on with matches, so I don't have a good feeling of what's going on in the locker room. I'm not sure it's even fair for me to answer, but I'll do my best to answer the question.
"I think they are micromanaged a bit, but I think if guys want to do something to get over, look at Dean Ambrose. I remember Dean Ambrose would do all kinds of crazy stuff off script and do all kinds of mannerisms. And he came back one time and Vince [McMahon] goes, 'show some personality!' It was a joke, tongue-in-cheek. Vince loved it, so I think there's an opportunity to stand out. There may even be an opportunity more to stand out now than even with us because all of us tried to. Now, you have guys that are just happy to have a job, from my understanding. A lot of them, some of them, not so. And they're just conforming to the cookie cutter mold that they were given, but some guys always did that. Back in the 90s, you had guys that were just happy to be there. They would not do anything out of the norm and they'd be around for a while and then, they'd be gone."