Monday, November 5, 2018


Former Ring of Honor Champion Takeshi Morishima, 39-years old, was arrested yesterday according to Yahoo Japan following an incident where he allegedly assaulted a taxi driver after refusing to pay a fare of 18,000 yen ($159.03 American Dollars), leaving the driver with a fracture of his left cheek.   
Earlier this year, Morishima made a surprise appearance at a live event being promoted by Riki Choshu, announcing that he would be returning to the ring on 10/15 at Genesis, another Choshu promoted event.  Morishima later pulled off the date.
Morishima, who was sometimes compared to a young Terry Gordy, was a regular with Pro Wrestling NOAH who shockingly ended Homicide's ROH title run just a few weeks in, holding that belt for a little over six months.  He had some great matches with Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness during his run.  After the ROH run, Morishima returned to NOAH and won the Global Honored Crown Championship several times.  WWE had interest in him at one point as well, but he was never signed after several tryout matches.
Morishima was a great "big man" worker inside the ring but injuries cut his career short.  He announced a retirement in 2015 and pursued a nursing degree before returning to the public eye earlier this year with his return announcement.

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