Saturday, November 18, 2017

Remember Impact Wrestling Fans. THIS is what their world title belt looks like.

Yes fans THAT! Is the current Impact Wrestling 'Global' championship belt. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You can thank Anthem Sports for being so fucking cheap and lazy that instead of getting g a newer and better looking title belt made, just be cheapskates and lazy fucks and just slap on an 'Impact Wrestling' plate over the middle part, without even TRYING to cover up the "GFW' ones on the side. Like they really thought that NOBODY would notice that? DUH, dipshits.  Yeah, you got some real fucking geniuses working there at Anthem Sports. Top notch thinking there and yet, they want fans to take them seriously, LOL. Yeah ok. Jim Herd working for this group? because this probably would be something he'd do.

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