Thursday, February 21, 2019

One Of WWE's "Hidden" Gems Isn't All That "Hidden" When It's Right On YouTube (LOL)

Yes it's that wonderful time again where I, because no other wrestling news site has the balls to do it, get to show everyone once again how one of WWE's alleged 'hidden gems' they're adding to their network is so 'hidden', you can find it right on YouTube.

First, here's the announcement from PWInsider's Paul Jordan (who seems to lack what 'do research' means when it comes to these things (because I make him look stupid at least once a month when he makes these posts without doing any research behind it. Proving he's a lazy ass and a fucking moron if a guy like me can make him look very stupid, very easily).

And NNOOWW, look what happens when I do a simple little search on YouTube for the Heenan/Shiek vs Brazil/ Bruiser match.

Uh oh, uuhhh oohhh, UUUHHHH OOOOOHHHH! Lookie lookie, not one, not two, but THREE different people have the match. It's so 'hidden' it's been right here available on YouTube for TWELVE FUCKING YEARS! AAHH yep, sure looks hidden to me, LMAO!

Yeah, research would be PWInsider's friend but since they seem to insist that research is 'beneath them', I'll continue to make sites like that look stupid. Doesn't take alot of effort really when you see the obvious like I do. 

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