Tuesday, August 27, 2019

WWE "Hidden Gem"? Yeah OK, So "Hidden" It's On YouTube (Fucking Idiots)

Every time someone reports a slew of 'Hidden Gems' added to the WWE Network, there's always one or two, or all on the list that's not as 'hidden' as WWE would like to claim. SSSOO, since I'm good for calling them on bullshit like this.. Look, at what is ahem..'Hidden', LOL!

Here's a pic from Paul Jordan's report at PWInsider of the 'hidden gem' in question.

And OH MY, what happens when one goes to YouTube and does a search for it? OOHHH, THIS comes up.

Well damn, this gem has been 'hidden' here on YouTube for OVER A YEAR NOW! AAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!

And if you doubt it's the same match? Well one click on the link there and OOHHHH, look what it shows..

Nice try WWE, just 'a little' actual research would go a long way for you here. You micromanage every other fucking thing here, why is it you keep fucking up when it comes to this? This is always too easy to bust em on.. To bad they'll never smarten up any time soon when it comes to this. Until they ever do? I'll be more than happy to continue making them look stupid. It's my pleasure. :)

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