Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Time To Correct A Writer For WrestlingInc (Obviously HE, Didn't Do Any Research On The Obvious)

Two people informed me about this little deal here, and since I am one who has knowledge on things like this, I took a look. Lo and behold, I do know more and this writer for Wrestlinginc, obviously talked out his ass more than actually looked to see if his claim was correct or not.. Guess what, it's not.

Here's the article/interview he posted.

Here's the quote/claim I'm easily going to dispute and correct him on, right here.

Most notable might BE, The Monster factory and the WWE's performance Center? UUHH no.. Try again.. Here's proof.. And since, you know... Proof IS.. A Mother fucker... You know the rest. :)

Other 'just as notable' wrestling schools, not one but TWO.. That have been around LONGER than the WWE's Performance Center.. ARE..

Jimmy Valiant's Training Camp has been around ALOT LONGER than The WWE's Performance Center and is a well known Wrestling school (Much like Harley Race;s school as well).

Then there's other 'very notable' wrestling school as well.

Dory Funk Jr.'s school has also been around  alot longer than the Performance Center, and.. If one were to do the very easy research on this.. The Performance Center's teachings go back to when.. WHO? was a part of it at the very beginning with the WWF "Training Dojo'? OOHH YES.. That would BE.. Dory Funk Jr..  HHMMMMMM..

This is what you get when you don't do any research and basically just talk out your ass. The shit you say comes right back, and slaps you in the face.. You can thank me now for doing the correction work.. Lord knows, nobody else would have the balls to do it.

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