Monday, September 30, 2019

COMPLETE COURT BAUER MLW MEDIA CALL AUDIO "Exclusive" Only To PWInsider Subscribers? Bullshit!

According to PWInsider, the Court Bauer (of MLW) media call is content available 'exclusively' only7 to VIP Subscribers, OR.. That's what they'd have you believe.

BUT.. Go right here... and you can hear it in it's entirety.. FOR FREE.

BOOM.. Man that's gotta suck, knowing it's so readily available like this and you dumb shits are actually trying to charge people to hear it? Damn.. 

Why subscribe to hear something you can hear for free? DUH! Only a dumb ass would do that.

Nice try PWInsider..  But it's for free so you may as well go ahead and delete that post.

Pretty embarrassing when MLW posts the very media call for free that you clowns actually try and charge people to listen to.

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