Thursday, September 5, 2019

And THIS.. Is Your WWE Creative Team At Its Best, LMAO! And One Writer Falls Asleep In Writing Room, LOL!

The Wrap, reporting on a shake up in the creative team for Smackdown had this great quote.

"Bischoff and his SmackDown creative team have also come under scrutiny for this summer’s Erick Rowan doppelgänger storyline, in which an unknown attacker drop heavy backstage scaffolding on top of Roman Reigns, injuring the company’s No. 1 star. According to the WWE insider, the storyline was botched so bad that explaining to anyone what it was supposed to be wouldn’t make any sense at all.”

No logic has been the logic for WWE Creative for so long that it's not hard to see why they've been 'creatively challenged'. And why fans have gone elsewhere to watch wrestling.. 

Then there's the new writer who was so 'excited' about being part of the team and the process that he fell asleep and was caught by Michael Hayes, LMAO!

Here's proof, In the article at The Wrap.

The changes also come amid growing questions about Bischoff's leadership of the show, according to the report. Their source cited Bischoff's decision to hire Stevie Long, a writer who formerly worked on the Sons of Anarchy TV show. Long was reportedly found asleep in the writer's room by WWE Hall of Famer and longtime employee Michael "PS" Hayes, during Long's first day on the road with the company. He is still employed. Bischoff declined to comment on the story when contacted by The Wrap, and Long's manager was unable to give a comment from his client before publication.


Can't make this shit up.. So exciting to be part of the creative process that he falls asleep.. That says alot about how ambitious they are about trying to put out a good product, LOL!

Here's the article by The Wrap.

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