Friday, July 5, 2019


WMC in Memphis, TN is reporting that Jerry Lawler's former podcast partner, Glenn Moore, is accused of scamming people out of money in return for Lawler original artwork that The King had no knowledge he was selling.

A Lawler fan named Jason Lurie took Moore up on an offer that was made on the podcast where Lawler would do original art for listeners.  Lurie reached out to Moore and was told that he could get an original drawling for $250.

Lurie then reached out to Moore and asked about an oil painting of his cat and was told it cost $1,500.  He claims he sent the money via Paypal and never received the painting.

He contacted Lawler via social media and registered letter and got no response.  Finally, he had a lawyer contact Lawler, who he told could be liable under Tennessee law.

Once Lawler found out about the alleged scam being run by Moore he told WMC:

“I’m totally shocked by this behavior. I mean, we did like 90 podcasts together over a period of years. This is a guy I thought was a friend and I trusted him. I’m certainly sorry this has happened.”

Lawler said that Moore lost his job last December and changed after that.  Lawler also stated, "We're gonna work to try to make this thing right. One way or another. Hopefully, we'll be able to get people's money back. If not, we'll get them the artwork they tried to buy."

The story states that other fans took to social media to claim that they have been duped by Moore as well. Check it out here.

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