Monday, November 27, 2017

Some actual letters from some actual people. :) ..

This is what's come in my email box in the last day or two. Wanted to see if more than one would come so I can put them all together so here they are. If you have a question, comment, insult, good bad or ugley you can go ahead and email them to I'll have no qualms about posting anything you send, right here. :)


Awesome website you have. It's always interesting to come here and see what videos you post there. Alittle old, alittle new alittle obscure especially the 'big name' match ups on indy shows. Just nice to see a site that's different like this and not full of WWE memes and Gifs. Your snarly comments make me laugh as well. They're so true on many things so please keep this going.

That's the plan. :) It's people like YOU that have made it a success so if it wasn't form people like you coming to it nobody would know about it. So thanks goes to you as well.



You post alot of Jim Cornette rants on your site, have you actually ever met him?

YES! He was working as part of the WWF Training Dojo that headlined WWA New England shows back in 1998. I was working for that group setting up rings, locally promoting shows in New Hampshire, etc etc. but I actually met him before that. It was at a Moolah's LIWA convention show in Randolph, Mass. where he did commentary for the show(which was released on video tape and I have a disc of thanks to Brittany Brown who was on the show and sent me a copy) I and my friend Dave walked past him as he was talking to I think was a bartender or hotel staff (where the event was taking place) and he came around and shook my hand, said "How are you doing Bill". I had no idea he knew who I was and I remember hearing him on a SMW fan week deal saying he only knows the names of people he hates. So I suddenly said "Ok, what have I ever done to piss you off? Since you know my name". Came to find out he was a subscriber to the Wrestling Then and Now Newsletter which I contributed articles to and someone within that circle told him I was going to be at the show. he complemented me on my writing about the AWA and what it was like to be a fan growing up in Chicago. So I was able to let out a sigh of relief cause I don't want to be on his rant list, LOL! A funny side note to this is on the LIWA show itself there was a thing after Brittany Brown's match where she and acouple others kicked the back of my chair because I was yelling all sorts of stuff during the match at them. Cornette was having a field day making wisecracks about me during that segment. I really need to find the disc and upload at least segment onto Youtube because what you can see of it is quite hysterical. Had some really cool conversations with him when I saw him at the WWA New England shows so yes I met him and always appreciated his vast knowledge which while I'm 'ok' knowledge wise on old school territories, he blows me wwaayy out of the water, and I don't mind admitting that. LOL.

Like you I grew up on the AWA, who in your opinion do you think was the best, and worst AWA World Champion?

Oh man, there's acouple I really liked and remember, I grew up watching Bockwinkel (managed by Bobby Heenan) as world champion, so Bockwinkel will always be the top favorite for me hands down. Second favorite would be Stan Hansen. YES, I know how he left the AWA and was stripped and all that, BUT! I'm a big Hansen fan so seeing him going after Rick Martel to me was cool as hell (I actually watched an older clip of him and Duncum as a tag team and Hansen grabbed Wally Karbo so now I have to go look for more of that stuff). The third favorite is Larry Zybysko. I've always been a fan of his, on the mic, in the ring, etc. So those are the three faves/best in my opuinion. Worst? Jerry Lawler hands down. While I did enjoy and love the fact he brought the AWA title to World Class for his feud with Kerry Von Erich (which I saw at a place in Chicago that was once a movie theatre not far from where I lived before their Superclash 3 match) The fact he tried to create this 'Unified' world title (which I came to read later was without the blessing of the AWA) and a deal about the payoff for Superclash 3(him and Jarrett claiming Verne was paying certain guys when in fact Jeff Jarrett was supposed to, etc. Which is covered in a Greg Gagne shoot interview I have) really left a bad taste in my mouth so to speak. You screw over the company I grew up on like that and yeah I'm going to have a resentment, lol. Plus Lawler as AWA World Champion he wasn't as over as say Rick Martel or Bockwinkel or Zybysko and it showed, especially on shows in Chicago. Outside of Memphis he really wasn't that over and in the AWA even when he and Dundee were tag champs, weren't as over. Kin d of like Tommy Rich wasn't all that over either other than when he ripped ther dress off of Sherri Matrtel, what did he do? Know what I mean? So Lawler to me sucked ass AWA World champion and the fact he used a version of the AWA World title on Memphis tv as the 'Unified' World title adds another reason. Seeing Vince McMahon wearing that around his waist in a USWA promo really was sickening for many reasons.

Hey Bill,

You showed yesterday on your site that you once worked in wrestling in New England. Besides the tapes and writing and what I read did you ever have the chance to be a 'plant' on some of these shows?

Glad you asked that because I wrote something several years ago and posted it on a long dead webpage that I don't remember the password to. But you can see it here. I should do another article on this because there's some funny stuff I did on a show I locally promoted in Farmington, New Hampshire. It had a WWF Training Dojo and Steve (William) Regal was on it. There was some interaction between he and I as he was managing Tom Pritchard(Regal at the time was nursing himself back from an injury so doing a manager thing was really, a natural for him if you ask me). That night and the following night in Milford, Mass. where we kind of duplicated the same routine but another fan got involved and it was really funny as hell. Scott Taylor as well since he was on the Dojo shows as well as local guy Anthony Roye'.

Has Dave Scherer, Dave Meltzer or anyone of the other 'wrestling news guys' contacted you after you've taken pot shots at them on your site?

Nope, and I really doubt they will. Proof is a mother fucker and when I take the shots at them I provide proof. So they really have no argument to give me and Scherer, I've put him in his place acouple of times and have the emails to prove it. So really I think the reason they don't? Is because they know better. It'll just make them look worse if they try to. You can go ahead and tell them I said that if you want.


I know you've been really critical of Impact Wrestling, my question is have you ever liked it or are you just pissy at everything that isn't an indy group?

LOL! Never heard the "pissy at everything' one before but to answer you question. I WAS a fan. Give me Sting vs Kurt Angle, if that wasn't an ultimate dream match. Angle vs Samoa Joe, from the headbutt in the ring on I loved that. Kurt Angle vs Jay Lethal when Lethal was doing the 'Black Machismo' deal. When they ran several tv tapings at the Manhattan Center acouple years back and Bubba put Dixie Carter thru the table. I said then what I still feel now. The Manhattan Center would've been the perfect place for them to keep doing their tapings at. Team 3-D vs the Hardys vs the Wolves. The stuff that Billy Corgan was doing with them for me, and I speak for me only, was some really great stuff. it locked me in every week. BUT... What I said would happen (and I said it back when I had a Facebook Group under the same name as this Blog) happened. I said back THEN that bringing Jeff Jarrett back into TNA in any kind of position would be bad for business. Nobody believed me and now look at where Jarrett is and more importantly, look at where Impact Wrestling is. Instead of selling to Corgan, Anthem Sports bought it and they've proven that they don't have what it takes to run a professional wrestling company. Too many decent talents have left, Jarrett tried the ol shuck and jive routine trying to get Anthem to buy a bogus wrestling company and now look at them The current booking team seems to be incapable of getting out of the 'Jarrett is Russo' kind of booking that has plagued them. Along with just slapping an 'Impact wrestling' plate over the center part of a GFW title belt? Really? How is one supposed to take Impact seriously when you do stupid shit like that? So Once I was a fan but they dug their own hole and for some reason just insist on continuing to dig that hole. So I'll stick with the indy groups because at least there every week, they book consistently and logically unlike Impact (and WWE too). When indy groups can do a better booking job than the major feds? You know something's wrong here.

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