Monday, September 3, 2018

Undertaker reportedly At Raw (yawns and rolls eyes)

If you hear some noise, it's me yawning at this.. This actually proves that their current characters can't get over if you have to go back to putting 'daddy's son inlaw' back in the ring to get people talking.

According to several reports, The Undertaker is backstage at Raw tonight,

He will likely be part of the build towards his match against Triple H at the WWE Super Show-Down event on October 6. Shawn Michaels has also been confirmed for Raw tonight, where he will be talking about the big match. It is being billed as the last ever match between Undertaker and Triple H.

The match has been pushed hard in the last several weeks. It started with Triple H coming to the ring the day after SummerSlam, saying that when he was called to face The Undertaker in Australia, he initially said no. But once he thought about the direction of his and Undertaker’s careers went following their match at WrestleMania 28, it really was the end of an era. Triple H said that he agreed to the match, wanting to prove that their era was back.

WWE Super Show-Down will be held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne, Australia.

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