Monday, September 3, 2018

No Logic AGAIN When It Comes To WWE And Their "Creative Ideas' (rolls eyes)

WWE announced that WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley (currently in the middle of his 20 Years of Hell one man show tour) will return to Monday Night Raw next week in New Orleans, LA to celebrate the anniversary of his 1998 Hell in A Cell bout against the Undertaker.  This appears to be part of WWE's build towards the 10/6 Super Show-Down match that has been announced as the final in-ring encounter between The Undertaker and Triple H. WWE did not address Foley's 2017 storyline firing as the Raw General Manager and it appears that storyline point will likely be overlooked and forgotten.

Add to that Kevin Owens "quits" but comes back a week later? HUH? Can someone, SOME ONE, hell ANYONE get hired there as a logic editor with some balls so that way they can go to Vince McMahon and say "hey, this makes no sense, how about you have your creative Dept. make it more logical". Of course that'll never happen because WWE doesn't believe in logical booking, not do they seem to give a shit about it. But yet they want their fans to just 'go along' with their illogical bullshit booking. 

And people wonder why, I don't this shit anymore. There's two examples right there why. The creative there is so creatively challenged it's past the point of ridiculousness, and quite frankly.. Really fucking pathetic.

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