Saturday, March 30, 2019

Here's Precisely WHY... Impact Booked Allie To Die Was Dumb As Fuck

You have the above pic which shows what I said yesterday about how stupid it was, period. As well as how Callis is booking the very silliness he said he was gonna get rid of.

And here's the most blatant reason that proves what I said to be correct.

At last night's RISE Legendary event, Kylie Rae defeated Mercedes Martinez for the Phoenix of RISE Championship.
After the match she was challenged by Zoe Lucas and attacked by another group of wrestlers. Brandi Rhodes, Britt Baker, and Nyla Rose would come out to make the save for Rae. The group would also be joined in the ring by fellow AEW wrestlers, Allie (aka Cherry Bomb) and Penelope Ford, to close out the show.

Here's the video.

Some things are just so easy to prove and nice to be proven right. Can't Kill off a talent and not think she's gonna show up the next night somewhere else, LOL. Especially in this day and age, it doesn't work or even come close to convincing anymore.

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