Monday, December 6, 2021

Will Ospreay WON'T Be Coming To MLW After All


Will Ospreay‘s MLW debut has reportedly been nixed.

MLW announced back on October 7 that the current RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion would be making his debut this fall. It was then announced that Ospreay was scheduled to make his debut during MLW’s return to the Melrose Ballroom in New York City this month, but that event apparently was nixed as well.

You can thank New Japan Pro Wrestling for that.

The word now is that the debut will not be happening. SEScoops reached out to Ospreay and he said the deal is off.

Ospreay’s MLW debut falling is reportedly related to NJPW, where Ospreay is signed to. MLW’s working relationship with NJPW ended in mid-November, and MLW informed NJPW that they were now also working with AJPW (All Japan). This reportedly did not sit well with NJPW, who works with Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan, but not AJPW.

MLW has not officially commented on Ospreay’s status.

Of course they haven't :)

Ospreay has been staying busy since returning from injury in August, working for New Japan in the U.S. and both RevPro and OTT overseas.

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