Monday, December 6, 2021

Once Again PWInsider Gets It WRONG When It Comes To Something That's 'Exclusive' For "Elite Subscribers"

 You'd think Mike Johnson over at PWInsider would've learned this lesson by now. Obviously he hasn't or he feels he 'doesn't HAVE' to learn it. 

Whichever is the case? He's about to get smacked again with the same reality the staff members of this website have hit him with before. 

As you see in the above screen short, HE "claims" that the Shane Taylor interview is Ahem (coughs twice) 'exclusive' ONLY to 'Elite subscribers'. meaning people there have to actually PAY to hear it.

As we always say here at Wrestling Past And Present, why pay for something you can get for free elsewhere? 

Someone should ask Mike Johnson that and see how he ducks and dodges that. 

But since HHEE thinks it's 'exclusive' to ONLY his 'Elite' subscribers. let us show you how full of shit Mr. Johnson is, again. 

Look below and see what everyone else sees.

DDDAAMMN, it's the very same interview ol Mikey claims is only 'exclusive' to 'elite subscribers, AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Here, we'll even give you the link so you can click it or share it with others who think they have to 'pay' to hear it.

Nice try Mikey, nice try.. Better luck next time. LMAO!

This isn't the first time that Mike Johnson has tried this false advertising ploy on his site. In fact, he's been caught acouple of times doing this. BUT, he still hasn't learned. Here's the proof that he's been busted out in public over it before. 

There's this story here.

Then there's this story here.

Oh, and let's not forget this one too.

You want more? OOHH WE have more. :)

OH LOOKIE, we have yet ANOTHER ONE (see a pattern here? We sure did)

These things just keep coming... Which tells you how many times Mike Johnson has falsely advertised this kind of stuff on his site.

Hey Mike Johnson, you might as well quit falsely advertising stuff like this, especially when you can get caught so easily.

When it comes to false advertising it's not very professional on your part, and further more?

You're just, not fucking good at it, dumb ass. 

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