Monday, December 17, 2018

MLW Notes

There will be a MLW marathon on BeIN Sports on 12/31 starting at 6 AM.

BeIN Sports had a camera crew following Tony Schiavone, documenting his return to broadcast on live TV for the first time since WCW went out of business in 2001.  The documentary should debut fairly soon on the cable network.

The ladder match last week was apparently cursed.  MJF was yanked after suffering a fractured elbow.   Andrew Everett was pulled from it after tweaking his knee at the TV taping the night before as he felt it pop, so he was yanked in order to make sure he wasn't in a situation that could be dangerous to his health.  Then, Kotto Brazil twisted his ankle at the first night of TV as well and was pulled as a precautionary move.  THEN, in the first spot of the match, Teddy Hart hit the edge of the steps from the entrance stage and there was concern he might have been injured as well, but was OK.  

Speaking of MJF, he posted the following update on his social media: "Did moderate to heavy push/pull workouts for the first time since I broke my elbow. Starting to feel like myself again my mobility is coming back and I feel in a week from now I should have full functionality of my arm. More importantly however a fan just walked up to me at the gym and told me he was a huge fan so I looked dead at him laughed in his face and walked away.  It’s been a good day."
Davey Boy Smith, who just got back from a month in Japan and was fresh off of 20 hour flight, worked the show very sick with a huge fever as he didn't want to miss the tapings.  He really gutted through the show and we heard from a few people who were impressed with his toughness.

Tom Lawlor was slated to do a quick match with Simon Gotch for their No Holds Barred fight as he's still getting over a crushed knuckle from his recent MMA fight on the undercard of Tito Ortiz vs. Chuck Liddell.  Lawlor argued that he could go longer and MLW management gave him what he was wanted.  There were a lot of people impressed with his toughess.
TV Azteca, one of the major networks out of Mexico, was at the MLW events in Miami, filming.

TV Azteca, one of the major networks out of Mexico, was at the MLW events in Miami, filming.

Discussions are underway to potentially bring MLW: Fusion TV to Europe.

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