Thursday, September 20, 2018

CWL In Detroit Needs A Better Marketing Strategy Than This Lame Shit.

Buy four tickets and get a picture taken with a referee and a 'replica' belt? (whirls finger) whhoopiiee, can't these people do better than that?
The new CWL promotion in Detroit which starts on weekly local TV on 9/29 seems to be having trouble selling tickets. Earlier this week they offered to anyone that buys four tickets a chance to get your picture taken in the ring at a show with a referee and a replica belt. Earlier they were giving away a free CWL T-shirt with the purchase of two tickets.
'GEE', just what I always wanted, a picture with a referee and a 'replica' belt, woo hoo, let me just 'rush right out' and get four tickets.. NOT!

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