Wednesday, January 10, 2018


WWNLive's Gabe Sapolsky will be signing an official contract with World Wrestling Entertainment as a consultant.  Sapolsky, 45, has been working on a handshake agreement with WWE for months, helping out specifically at the WWE NXT tapings.   We are told Sapolsky will retain his position and responsibilities with WWN and the EVOLVE promotion and this is seen as a growth in the relationship between WWE and WWN.

The deal puts Sapolky and long-time mentor Paul Heyman, technically, back under the same roof for the first time since the original ECW closed in 2001.   Before his current position with EVOLVE/WWN, Sapolsky was the initial booker for Ring of Honor and worked behind the scenes for ECW, including authoring the promotion's official program and heading up a Sabu Fan Club.

EVOLVE is running New York City this weekend with events in Queens and Brooklyn, which will stream at

EVOLVE 98 in Elmhurst, Queens at La Boom at 6 PM:

*EVOLVE champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Darby Allin.
*WWN Champion Keith Lee vs. EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Jaka (non-title)
*FIP Rules: FIP champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly vs. Fred Yehi
*Tracy Williams & Dom Garrini with Stokely Hathaway vs. Timothy Thatcher & WALTER
*Matt Riddle vs. AR Fox
*EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Chris Dickinson vs. The End in a "fight."
*Jason Kincaid vs. Jarek 1:20 with Candy Cartwright vs. two competitors to be announced.

EVOLVE 99 in Brooklyn, NY Sunday 1/14 at St. Finbar's at 7 PM:

*WWNLive champion Keith Lee vs. EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Chris Dickinson.
*EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. WALTER (non-title)
*EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Jaka vs. Matt Riddle
*Fred Yehi vs. Timothy Thatcher
*Darby Allin vs. Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly vs. Tracy Williams vs. Jason Kincaid
*Also appearing are Shane Mercer, KTB, Jarek 1:20 with Candy Cartwright, Wheeler Yuta and more.

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