Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Let me again beat PWInsider and The Observer with this. Jocephus and His Spiritual Advisor Shocking Actions Towards Tim Storm

Published on Jan 10, 2018
Jocephus and his spiritual advisor had made an offer from his period of contemplation to Tim Storm about the NWA Worlds Title situation. With Nick Aldis now in possessions of the Ten Pounds of Gold, Tim Storm's focus is split between the NWA Worlds Champion and Jocephus. It was Jocephus who cracked the ribs of Storm leading to his loss of the Ten Pounds of Gold at CZW's Cage of Death. The NWA had suspended Jocephus for his actions and the controversial brawler entered his 45 Day Period of Contemplation.

Ten Pounds of Gold -

Under the guidance of his spiritual advisor, Jocephus has begun a transformation and made an offer to leave his period of contemplation and fight Tim Storm but only if Tim Storm put up his rematch for the NWA Worlds Championship to the winner.

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