Sunday, October 14, 2018

Various notes on MLW

  • Stokely Hathaway is back and will be managing a top heel and working behind the scenes
  • Ace Romero debuts on their show in Chicago
  • Rafael Morfii, a promoter who has worked for a number of groups including WWE & TNA, is working with the promotion
  • Sammy Guevara will be Rush's debut opponent
  • They will have another special on Bein Sports on 10/26 built around Halloween and the spin the wheel match they taped in New York
  • Tommy Dreamer is in as an agent
  • Konnan is the head agent and running the locker room.
  • They are talking to Bestia 666
  • Puma King is now a regular
  • Jason Cade will be getting more of a push
  • They are scheduling a major event on 2/2
  • They have interest in Mance Warner
  • They are still working on bringing in Walter, who they've wanted for some time.

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