The sad part is? These 'Journalists' themselves were the ones who SHOW exactly where, they stole their stories from.
Nothing like being blatantly obvious that you stole the stories, eh? But hey.. I guess that's how they do it over at Wrestlinginc now.
I'd like to give special thanks to Rich McCormick and Maria Korsiuk for showing me this.
Here's the stories those great "journalists" over at Wrestlinginc openly and blatantly stole.
So, according to Wade Keller on the Pro Wrestling Torch's VIP Podcast eh? Do you think you can just click on the link (in blue) where it says Wade Keller on the Pro Wrestling Torch and just freely listen to that podcast?
WWEELL... If you thought that, do I have a rude awakening for you..
Click on that link and THIS... Is what you get.
UUUHH NOPE! You have to PAY, to be a subscriber in order to hear it. Try opening the podcast in another window maybe?
NNAAA, nice try, same thing, you have to pay to be able to hear it.
So who really stole it? Wrestlinginc, or Cultaholic who did the written transcription? Most likely.. Both.
OOOHH but wait, we have more.
OOOHHH, Fightful Select eh? isn't that another one of those sites you have to be a paid subscriber to? Here, let me click the Fightful Select link in blue and find out, shall we?
uuhh oohh, uuhhh oohhh, UUUHHH OOHHH! Damn, would you look at that, would you? It certainly IS, a paid site. You have to pay to join.
And this is where he got his Becky Lynch story from. Thanks Julien for showing us exactly where you stole the story from, how nice of you to do that.
You want one more? Sure, here you go, we have one more.
HHMMM Fightful Select, AGAIN? You don't ol Daisy stole this story from a paid wrestling news site, do you? I mean I just showed where you click that link, it takes you to where you have to 'join' (AKA PAY) to see that. WWEELL since we already know the answer, she DID steal steal it from there, and was nice enough to actually provide the link to where, she stole it from. I'll go ahead and click it, and show you where it takes you if you clicked the link yourself.
YYYEEAAHH, Wrestlinginc doesn't really the smartest people there working as, ahem... "Journalists".
Wrestlinginc is now owned by Startic Media, I wonder if this is the kind of "professionalism" they condone. It's one thing to steal the story, but it really takes a special kind of stupid to go ahead and show people, where, you stole the story from. And when more than one person, working for the SAME wrestling news site does this? It really shows that these so called journalists, just don't have what it takes to go and get their own stories, like we do here at WP&P.
But hey, These story stealers are not alone, they join another known name who writes for another wrestling News site who was busted, doing the same exact thing.
Bryan Rose at The Observer was caught doing the same thing, back in November. You can see that story here.
Thankfully We here at Wrestling Past And Present never had to 'steal' a story from a paid wrestling news site. Hell, when it comes to stories that PWInsider, Observer, Fightful, etc put out that twenty other sites including Wrestlinginc just rehash? We here at WP&P stopped doing that, a LLOONNGG time ago. Because we found a way to get our own stories.
I guess when it comes down to it, Wrestling Past And Present doesn't to do, what these here listed, have to do to 'get a story'.
Maybe these so called 'journalists' should actually put some work in, instead of showing people where they get.. ahem more like 'stole' their stories from.
Some say they might get a clue, but someday, sure as hell, isn't today (smiles).
My pleasure sending that to you. Every time i see it, I'll send it to you. The more of these idiots you can put on blast, the better.
Has anyone from Wrestlinginc commented on this? If yo look at their site they're still doing the same thing you reported on. They're still going to Fightful's Patreon account, signing in since they're paid subscribers, and stealing stories from there. They still are making it obvious they took the stories from there. This the new generation of 'wrestling reporter' now?
Static media who are the current owners of Wrestlinginc have failed to respond to multiple inquiries, so same as I said about the Observer 'journalist' stealing stories, same message seems to apply for Wrestlinginc. As long as what their 'staff' steals from other paid news sites gets them clicks on their site, that's all that matters.
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