Wednesday, May 12, 2021

(updated 5-12-21 9:30 PM )AEW Fanboys Don't Like Seeing The Truth, Try And Brace A Staff Member Who Posted The Truth, And Get "Checked" For Their Troubles


What is it with the AEW fanboys? They see the truth, read it, but when they can't stand it they brace the guy who posted it. 

And what happens when they brace the guy who posted it? They get put in their place, almost instantaneously. 

This is what happens when they instead of staying quiet and moving along, they open their their mouths.

And sooner or later one of these clowns always try to claim that "Only 25" people, look at this site. When I post a screen shot that shows how dumb they are for assuming that. The silence afterwards always comes. 

THAT, is how you put someone in their place. And the staff here at Wrestling Past And Present have a long habit of putting fanboys and marks, in their place.

(UPDATE- 9:30 PM)

Just now someone else put one of these fanboys in their place. Poor "Jerry" couldn't handle the fact that I, owned him earlier today. So what happens when he tries against someone else? He fails just as miserably, LOL!

When all else fails, bring people's mothers into it.. That always shows they KNOW, they're getting their ass kicked and they can't do anything about it. 

Right after the guy who punked :"Jerry" replied with the answer about bringing his dead mother into it, what did "Jerry" do? He ran and hid behind a block, PROVING who the bitch really is, and why it's "Jerry". Jerry knew he was acting like a bitch and because he was getting 'treated', like a bitch. he ran and hid behind a block, LIKE a bitch.

How easy it is, to make these fanboys look like bitches I tell ya. 

And this, is how "Jerry" reacts when I punk him on the fact he blocked someone who verbally beat him down with ease. Proving he's a pujssy in every essence of the word. An internet pussy at best. 

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