Wednesday, October 10, 2018

WWE Again Adds Matches That Aren't The 'Hidden Gems' They Claim They Are

So once again the WWE claims they're adding matches as 'Hidden Gems' to their network this week. And once again, I get to show you, how some of these aren't the 'hidden gems' the WWE claims they are. You'd be very surprised what 90 seconds on Youtube can come up with. HERE, are two matches that have been on Youtube for alittle while now, that WWE claims are 'hidden gems' this week.
WWWF @ MSG 08/01/1977 – Unpredictable Greatness
WWE Hall of Famers square off at The World’s Most Famous Arena when ‘The Unpredictable’ Johnny Rodz battles Carlos Colon.
Oh so you mean, THIS MATCH, that's already been available on Youtube for the last FOUR MONTHS, LMAO!
WWE Super Astros 11/22/1998 – When Stars Align
Before becoming an ECW and WWE mainstay, Super Crazy performed as Super Loco against El Hijo del Santo in this bout from Super Astros. So you mean, THIS ONE, from THIS SHOW, That's been on Youtube for TWO YEARS now, LMAO!
They micromanage every little thing in the WWE but yet, keep fucking up when it comes to this. Maybe someday someone there in the WWE will actually do some real research before making the company look like morons with this. because hey. WWE want to look like morons, I'll be more than happy to oblige it every time with this stuff. :) 

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