Saturday, October 6, 2018

So Once Again, HHH Can't get In A Ring And "Do A Job" Imagine that.

  • Guess doing a job is still 'beneath him'.
  • Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker & Kane hasn’t been officially announced for Crown Jewel yet, but that was clearly the direction coming out of Super Show-Down. A no disqualification stipulation was added to this morning’s Triple H vs. Undertaker match, with Michaels and Kane getting involved throughout. After Triple H won with the help of Michaels, there was a post-match angle where Undertaker and Kane attacked Triple H and Michaels. Triple H, Michaels, Undertaker, and Kane were raising each other’s arms, then Undertaker laid out Triple H with a Tombstone and Michaels was chokeslammed through the announce table.

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