Friday, November 9, 2018

Thank You Don Callis, You Proved My Recent Article On You To Be Correct

I've been stating over and over on how Don Callis boasted that he was going to 'get rid of the silliness that has plagued Impact Wrestling". Those were his exact words and I can find the interview where he said that if I have too. When he first said those words my first reaction (which has since proven to be true) was "Yeah right, sssuuurreee you are, sssuuurree you will".

As you can see by the pics above.. He hasn't gotten rid of the silliness and in fact, has proven the one thing I keep saying to be EXACTLY SPOT ON, AND CORRECT. Which is, HOW are you going to get rid of the silliness when in fact, YOU'RE THE ONE booking and writing the silliness to begin with? The first pic shows the section of a recent article I wrote for Dann Lennard's Feed The Gorilla fanzine based out of Australia. It points out the "Silliness" that Callis swore he was going to get rid of that's still there. The second pic is from this week's "Impact's Hits And Misses" Column that's on the Pro Wrestling Torch Web page. How "Matt Hardy" of Callis to have Su Yung "teleporting" as part of this weeks show.

If there ever was an article i wrote that has proven to be spot on and 100% accurate? This is the one. And here's the proof. So I'll pose the question one more time and I know someone will make sure Callis sees this article, so he'll see this question. HOW, are you supposed to 'get rid of the silliness' of you're the one who's actually booking and writing the silliness?

How much do you want to bet he keeps avoiding answering this question?

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