Tuesday, September 3, 2019

WWE Network News Strikes Again In The Name Of Embarrassing Themselves

Here's a recap.. I have a habit of busting WWE on when they put alleged "Hidden Gems" on their network that are so 'hidden' you can find them on YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.. I'm 'that guy' who has the balls to do it cause Meltzer, Keller, Scherer, Johnson, Wrestlinginc, etc simply don't have the guts to step up and do so.. So with my recent story on a 'hidden gem' readily on YouTube, WWE Network news decided they were gonna try and get into it with me on this, and they lost.Here's the first story on that, right here...    https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/08/wwe-network-news-admits-im-correct.html   

Followed it up with this update..


Which included some screen shots as proof that WWE Network News admitted I was correct.. Which, I'll post right here for all to see again.

They even tried to make comparisons viewership wise to my blog, which got them shot down instantly as well.. Shots of that I'll show right here for all to see.. Along with the MOST CURRENTLY shot of my viewership for today, which is right up there with the amount of viewers THEY get (Which made their attempted argument with me on it sink like the Titanic).

Comparisons to Viewership are here..

And here's the current (taken 90 seconds ago) shot of how many viewers I have in the last 24 hours.

As you can see, you do the match I'm actually bypassing his '4,000 views is a solid day' claim. 

So after all this, what does someone from WWE Network News try to do? They went to a group/page on FB that I contribute to called "From The Left Side" and tried to 'work me' on something, trying to make me think that they'd give me some inside proof to a rumor that they were gonna shut down the site because of the stories I wrote on them..

One small problem with that though.. The very guy who tried this? WORKS/WRITES for WWE Network News!!! Here's the proof, right here..

What I did when this dumb ass first approached me, publicly posting his idea mind you (which was mistake number one.. if you wanted to 'offer' to be a source' you don't 'publicly' offer it where others can see it, you privately message the person), I went ahead and did some looking and it didn't long at all to see who the guy was and see that he in fact writes for the very web site I mentioned.. In fact he's probably the very one on Twitter I put in check acouple of times.. I went to the WWE Network news web page and clicked on one story.. Wouldn't you know it JUST HAPPENED to be about 'hidden gems' added to the WWE Network.. And who's name is on that very story? The very guy who tried to work me on Millie Camacho's FB page "From The Left Side".

And look where Jon's name appears? Oh damn.. it's right HERE..

NNOO, he isn't really that smart, is he. (Smiles)

So since.. Proof IS, a mother fucker.. THIS mother fucker as usual, has proof. So let's see the proof, right here, shall we? here's the whole convo that happened on Millie Camacho's "From The Left Side" page.. All the way to where I popped his ass. 

As you can see he 'tried' to work me but all he did was 'work himself into further embarrassment for WWE Network news.

Now I had the screenshot of his name on that story at WWE Network News's web page for acouple of days now. I could've 'worked' him, seeing how many excuses he'd try and scrape up, just milking it and milking it before I nailed him in the balls, busting his ass. But why not just bust his ass right now and get it over with? (Smiles)

Nice try Jonboy.. Another epic fail.. This sure doesn't make you or WWE Network News look good.. So thanks again for showing what dumb fucks you guys are over there. Hope that foot of yours that I just placed in your mouth tastes good. You were just too easy to bust.. WAY... Too easy.

I'd love to show WWE Network News This story but.. After they had said "write what you want", and I did.. THIS was their way of responding to that.

They say write what i want, then act like bitches when I do.. LOL. Love the logic and mentality behind that, LMAO.. I really do (smiles).

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