Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Want More "Hidden Gems" That Are So "Hidden" They're On YouTube? Ok, Here You Go..

This came to me this morning..

The thing I circled is what cracks me up because this claim.. BY WWE Network News, is so full of shit.. "Can not be viewed anywhere else". REALLY... Let's show how full of shit they are, shall we?

Kurt Angle vs YellowJacket? HHMM Look what we have here.. Not one, BUT TWO listings for it on YouTube... One is actually a longer version than the 'hidden gem' that's gonna be on the Network. OOHH MMYY..

Oh yeah, here's the link to it as well.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFnL9yUcsEI

Kurt Angle vs Christopher Daniels? Can't be seen 'anywhere but on the WWE Network? UMMM, Bullshit..

YYYYEEPP... Sure 'can't be viewed anywhere else' alright.. Dumb asses. Here's the link to it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upXcCV_183o 

You know this is wwaay too easy, right? You know how dumb WWE and WWE Network News continues to loook, right? Yet.. No real research and too lazy to want to do it, even though WWE micromanages everything.. They can't get this managed too well, LMAO!

Oh yes, one more... 

Triple H vs Kurt Angle From Memphis

.. "Can't be seen anywhere else". Yeah ok, see for yourself..

I may have covered these before, may not.. Been so many of these I've easily uncovered so if I have covered this before? Then good, nice to revisit and see I'm still right when it comes to how dumb WWE is when it comes to "Hidden Gems" so hidden you can find them on YouTube..

And as we all know, WWE Network News themselves confirmed I was correct. 

You know there'll always be more of this to come since no other wrestling columnist has the balls to be 'that guy' and bust out WWE like I do.. So enjoy and you're welcome..

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