Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Impact Wrestling news (of sorts or, sort of)

Alberto el Patron is running a big event he is running in Mexico City on 1/20 to assist children orphaned in the quake, why he felt the need to step forward to help, being in Mexico when the quake happened, a website he has set up where fans can order merchandise to help raise money, To order Alberto el Patron merchandise and assist with the Earthquake victims, visit http://albertoelpatronacluchaporellos.com.

Oddly enough, despite the fact Impact has tapings on 1/10-1/15 in Orlando at Universal Studios, there is no information posted anywhere with the taping schedule, either on the Impact or Universal websites.

(As usual the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing in Impact Wrestling, management and bookers haven't thought it out at least? Let me roll my eyes now at this stupidity).

There's been talk of running California later this year.

(Maybe they should try just running a product that doesn't suck. Work on that challenge first).

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