Tuesday, June 23, 2020

IWL (UK) Receives Ultimatum- Unbook Pollyanna Or Lose Venue For Show

The London-based International Wrestling League promotion posted a series of tweets on Sunday alleging that a venue gave them the option of unbooking Pollyanna from a show in 2018 or losing the venue because Will Ospreay was uncomfortable with Pollyanna being booked for them:

“We've been trying to put something decent together but f*ck that, lets call a spade a spade. Shortly after announcing [Pollyanna] vs Renfrew, we got a message from the venue asking us to call them to discuss something. The call went something like: Will's our boy and feels uncomfortable with you booking Pollyanna. I told them I wasn't going back on my word with Polly, but would not book her going forward. That wasn't an option, the option was unbook Polly or lose the venue. (1st show there) Apologies to [Pollyanna] who despite fighting a one-sided, was always professional.

To @WillOspreay, go f*ck yourself and your half-arsed apologies.” Ospreay issued a statement on Saturday denying that he’s ever been part of any group trying to blacklist Pollyanna from pro wrestling after she accused a friend of Ospreay’s of sexually assaulting her. Ospreay has yet to comment publicly on the IWL's tweets.

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