Friday, January 5, 2018

The logic of Impact Wrestling's booking( makes you scratch your head)

Thi8s is from the results report someone did at PWInsider (and this serves [perfect for me questioning the 'logic' or lack there of, which has been there since Jarrett came back and then  got fired again).

Grand Championship Match: Ethan Carter III vs Matt Sydal vs Fallah Bahh

Judges call the second round for EC3, and EC3 immediately pops Sydal up for a vertical suplex, but Bahh wipes him out with a crossbody and then crushes him with a vertical splash.  Sydal breaks it up at 2, so Bahh goes for a Samoan drop, Sydal gets out and heads to the top and connects with Meteora for 2.  Bahh is right back up and gets a Samoan drop on EC3, then an avalanche in teh corner on Sydal, and he goes up for the Banzai Drop with a minute left.  EC3 dumps him over the top rope, Bahh hits the steps on the way down, and lands hard on the floor.  Sydal with a big boot and flying knee to EC3, then he goes to the top for the Sydal Press, but Bahh distracts him long enough that he doesn't have time to get the pin after hitting the Sydal Press.

The crowd chants for one more round as we go to the judges, who call it for...

Winner: Ethan Carter III

So EC3 wins the third round when he got almost no offense in, while Bahh dominated and Sydal nearly pinned him?  Okay so how does that make sense?  PPPSSST, it doesn't.

Career vs Career: Dan Lambert vs James Storm

Lambert stalls as much as he can before Storm has enough and goes after him.  All of American Top Team runs in and beats Storm down.  Storm fights his way through all of them and is alone with Lambert, but then KM runs in and breaks a beer bottle over Storm's head.  Storm goes down like a rock and Lambert covers...for 2.  American Top Team is back up as Storm staggers to his feet, then King Mo and another of the MMA guys crack a pair of bottles over Storm's head, and this time it's more than even Storm can overcome.  Lambert makes the cover for 3.

Winner: Dan Lambert

What a way to go out. No offense what so ever, just blatantly job a guy out squash wise. Yeah that made sense to do for a guy like Storm, NOT.

The bookers change but yet the illogical booking stays the same. Welcome to Impact Wrestling. Hopefully they'll at least change the titles from the pic here to something resembling titles that don't have the obvious Band-Aid over a shotgun wound look they currently have.

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