Friday, May 28, 2021

Decay Put On VIOLENT (By Rated G Standards Maybe) Display! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


Decay put on a 'VIOLENT DISPLAY'? Where? Because it certainly wasn't in this match that's for sure. 

Were there chairs being used? Nope. Someone going thru a table? NNAA. Someone being slammed face first into the ring bell? uh uh.. What about bull ropes, chains, cage, or thumbtacks, things decay WERE ONCE known for? Not, even close.

What we got was a bunch of acrobatic high spots, "selling" on the level of barely doing it, and another reason to grab the remote and change the channel instead. AAHHH yep, totally a 'violent display' in every aspect of the phrase, NOT!

Anthem Sports, Impact's owners owns AXS TV so they 'can't put some 'violence' on their wrestling company's show if they wanted to. Then again you have Tommy Dreamer, Mr. "Innovator Of Violence" (remember that nick name?) on the booking team in Impact. So with him there the obvious question, WHERE'S the violent display at? 

Guess Dreamer, who HAS had violent matches in his career, was on a coffee break when it came time to lay this match out. 

Then there's this 'gem' of commentary by Josh Matthews and D'lo Brown describing Black Taurus.

Josh: What's not to like about this man, He's got a cool mask, He's got moves like THIS..


YYEEAAHH, that sure gives me TONS of reasons to like the guy, because "HE'S GOT HORNS"! Absolutely, let me get 'right on' liking the guy because he has 'horns'. 

Did Scotty D'Amore scream into D'Lo's headset telling him to say that? LOL. 

And D'Lo can't even pronounce Taurus correctly. He fucked it up at least three times during the highlight clip I watched. Is it really that hard to pronounce the word "Taurus"? Just curious. 

That MLW Underground show featuring Samoa Joe vs Mike Awesome I'm gonna be watching soon is looking better and better with every moment thanks to crap like this.

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