Friday, May 28, 2021

KOJIMA DEBUTS (And Most fans Have No Clue Who he Is) , Violent By Design ON NOTICE! | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


The thumbnail that one sees when you see this video listed has a picture of KOJIMA with the b ig graphic of "HE'S HERE"!

Most fans don't know who he is so most are saying "He's here? Who cares"? Or "He's here? So what". 

That's how much thought process went into Impact actually working to 'build up' his debut. 

I guess putting together a great package of highlights featuring wins over major names in Japan, or even Joe Doering in JAPAN, along with a promo of sorts announcing and him hyping his debut would've been a good idea to do. But THAT, would "Make way too much sense" and god forbid people at Impact would actually want to put in that much work to get someone who's supposed to be, 'that big a star' over. 

Nothing like watching lazy booking and hyping, I tell ya. 

Eric Young in describing Ryno says and I quote (Get this), "The man with the most violent instincts in this business, has returned". HHMM, But what about ol 'Death Machine' Sami Callihan? I guess he doesn't count all of a sudden? Sami IS (according to Sami mind you, just ask him and he'll tell you). If you're supposed to go by actual 'logic' in wrestling (and the three 'major' companies in this country obviously don't because having logic means too much work for them) Then a 'Death machine' would certainly have more 'violent instincts' than an out of relevance Ryno.

Obvious gaps like this is something Impact bookers SHOULD be pointing out. But as you can see, they don't or just are too lazy to. Too bad nobody has the balls to ask why that is. 

HAD there been some one in Impact Wrestling with true knowledge of what booking 101 really is, right after Eric Young said that? Send Sami out there to say something like "whoa whoa whoa How can you say that when I'M, the Death Machine". That would've made more sense. But I guess the booking team at Impact don't care if something makes sense or not, eh? "Fuck logic, we have other things to do" must be the mentality there. 

I wonder of this Violent By Design, looking pretty lame is "by design' as well. Asking for a friend. :)

Thank God I'll be watching the MLW Underground show featuring Samoa Joe vs Mike Aweome after reviewing these highlights. Because THAT SHOW, will easily blow away anything Impact Wrestling has done in over a year.. Sad, but those are the true facts. Maybe Impact's bookers should watch that show, they might learn something. Just a hint, that you know they're gonna ignore.

So after all this what do we get? We get Kojima coming to the ring and doing what EC3 did in Ring Of Honor.. Three word promo. 

Problem is? EC3 saying "You've been warned" compared to Kojima saying "Against all odds" was 100 times better.

Imagine that.

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