Friday, May 28, 2021

Knockouts Division EXPLODES! (Not Really)| IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


Havok kicks Suzi three times and Suzi barely 'sold' them. The third kick was an absolute "no sell". Suzi's smaller than Havok and she just stands there, "no selling"? I guess I'm the only one who sees something wrong with this picture. Like TJP, Suzi needs to go back to wrestling school and be properly trained in the art of 'selling'. She surely has no clue how to do it correctly. Or, she just doesn't want to.

Maybe Suzi should watch how Rosemary, Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steele "sell" and take notes, because that's, how it's done. Hell just watch how they do it here in  this match, and learn from that.

Why is "Selling" such a hard thing for this current era of 'wrestlers' to grasp? And why is it every time I ask one of those wrestlers, they can never give me an answer? HHMMM.

So let me get this straight, all these women are fighting with each other to get shots at the Knockouts title and tag titles, so let's here's a 'great idea' (rolls eyes), let's put all of them together willy nilly in a ten woman tag team match. No rhyme or reason why, no real build up for them, just throw the match together and see how it comes out.

Gotta love this "Throw oatmeal against a wall and hope it sticks' kind of booking logic that Impact has here. 

This was a total fucking mess at best. Which is something Impact booking is known for. So at least they're consistent with that.

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