Friday, May 28, 2021

Good Brothers On MOOSE'S Side?! (Does Anybody Really Care?) | IMPACT! Highlights May 27, 2021


As usual let's make it obvious that the fan noise is piped in. I love how Impact doesn't even TRY to hide that fact, they could mind you, but their attention to details and logic has always been terrible at best.

So now we have Sami Callihan, the guy who looks more like he's 'playing wrestler' than being an actual pro wrestler, sitting in the ring for an "award winning" (note the sarcasm) promo. Maybe I should go take a shit because the sound of my toilet flushing will absolutely be better than this promo, I'm sure.

Sami really should go to Monikers R Us and get a new nick name because nobody, and I mean NOBODY buys this "Death Machine nic name he gave himself. I find myself laughing out loud every time he calls himself that, Laughing and saying "Yeah right, okay". I mean seriously, you hear Sami call himself the "Death Machine", then look, actually LOOK, at Callihan and how can not laugh? Maybe if he was playing the old IWA play by wrestling mail game he'd be convincing, but not here on TV. Sorry, nobody buys it.. Nobody. 

"You can plan, for a guy like Moose, You can plan, for a guy like Rich Swann, but you can't plan for me" That's what he says. Wanna bet we can plan? Plan for a long boring time, plan to leave the room and make dinner, plan to grab the remote and change the channel until your segment is over, there's plenty of options and 'plans' there Sami, Dumb ass.

The only decent part of ALL the talking on this? Was when Moose was in the ring. 

The "Good Brothers" have proven again this week why they're not good when it comes to promos. As much as i hate scripted promos, maybe these two should be exception. Maybe some one on the booking committee like Tommy Dreamer should write their promos for now on cause this really sucked ass. Maybe their so "Used to" having someone write their promos for them that they actually don't know HOW, to do a promo on their own. 

Moose setting it up for both he and Sami to brawl with the Good brothers was really good.

Sad that with all those guys in the ring, Moose was the only one who truly stood out when it comes to mic work. Of course you know, higher ups in Impact won't take notice of it.. Or.. They'll ignore that obvious fact altogether. 

Here's the link if you really insist on watching a lot of boring stuff leading to a good brawl. Then again, fast forward could be a good friend as well.

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